1P4 for Windows


Congrats on the official launch! I have been beta testing for a while. Love the updates.

I still have end users running Windows XP. I noticed on your release that you said Win 7 & 8.x. Is there known issues with XP or will it run fine?


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I still have end users running Windows XP. I noticed on your release that you said Win 7 & 8.x. Is there known issues with XP or will it run fine?

    We do not support XP (anymore). That being said, we aren't turning 1Password off on Windows XP. Some of our customers are running Windows XP, and we're not going to take 1Password away from them at this moment.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    I'm running it XP at work. It mostly works. There's a couple of little oddities that I can't replicate on Win7 (so Agile are not looking into them) but they're nothing major and easily work-aroundable.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for that info, @RichardPayne‌.

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