Migration from Mac to Windows


How do I migrate from 1Password on MAC to Windows ? 1Pv4 on Windows (trial version) does not recognise the file that I exported from the Mac. I do not want to use Dropbox. A simple USB stick is at hand. On confirmation of data portability, I intend buying the Windows version.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • MikeT

    Hi @Vidyashankar Krishnan‌,

    First, please be very careful with your export file. That file is not encrypted nor secured with a password. 1Password doesn't read them as a data file, you have to actually create a brand new data file, and then import your data from that export file.

    To get started on the Windows, open 1Password and select the I'm new to 1Password option. Once you set up the new data file, go to the File Menu > Import and select your 1PIF export file.

    After that, you should be all set. Once you are, you should be careful to securely delete your export file or store your USB stick in a safe to make sure nobody else can access it.

  • Vidyashankar Krishnan
    Vidyashankar Krishnan
    Community Member

    Thanks MikeT. I did exactly that and it worked well. Now 1P works well.

  • MikeT

    Hi @Vidyashankar Krishnan‌,

    That's great, I'm glad it worked.

    You're welcome!

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