1P on Windows - is it supposed to function like this?


Mac user of 1P which is synced to DropBox. Purchased a Surface Pro 3, and instated the Windows version of 1P. Located the file that was synced with DropBox and selected it in 1P, that parts is working as all my logins etc are appearing.

On the Mac when I double click one of my Favorites, the browser opens and fills in the username and password. On the Windows version double-clicking opens up an editor for the log-in - HIGHLY annoying. Right clicking and selecting Open In / Internet Explorer opens the browser and then .... nothing. Again, highly annoying. If I select the 1P browser extension (sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology - the little tiny 1P icon in the IE taskbar) and go through the menus to find the site I want to load and select it, it eventually fills in the form details - but there's like 10 second wait before it fills in the user name, and then another 10 second wait before the password is typed.

Is this the way the Windows version is supposed to work? It's user-hostile at best...


  • bcarney
    Community Member

    "Installed", not instated - darn auto correct.

  • Thack
    Community Member

    Preferences | General | Double click

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    there's like 10 second wait before it fills in the user name, and then another 10 second wait before the password is typed.

    Please open your logins in the current tab (not a new tab)

    1. Start Internet Explorer
    2. Click on the 1Password button
    3. Unlock
    4. Settings > Open Login In > Current Tab
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