1P Win v4 Slow to fill in fields in IE 11


I searched the forms but didn't find anything that really address my issues.

I've used 1P for years on Mac. Now it's time to get my wife away from using a Word doc to store her passwords. I'm finding 1P 4 for Windows on Win 7 to be problematic. 1P is set to autosave log ins. Sometimes it does, for instance on Mozy.com. Usually it does not including Amazon and Dropbox.

Worse yet on some sites it takes a long time auto fill and submit. Amazon works fine. However Mozy took 22 seconds to log in. Dropbox takes 33 seconds. I didn't start the timer until the login page was visible, and this is consistent behavior.

She has work apps that only run on IE so switching browsers (let along platforms) is not an option.


  • MikeT

    Hi @Garry Weber‌,

    Can you do this and see if it is faster; Open IE, click on the 1Password button, unlock if it is not unlocked already, and then go to Settings > Open Login In > Current Tab.

    Does that open the sites faster?

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