Cannot install 1password for windows : must close internet explorer


Hi there, I am trying to upgrade to the latest version of 1password for windows. However, every time I launch the setup I get the following message : " Setup has detected that Internet Explorer (or Windows Explorer) is currently running. Please close all instances of - Internet Explorer - Windows Explorer and then press Continue. Or reboot your pc."

I have rebooted multiple times, closed everything "explorer", up to closing tasks and processes but every time I get the same message and cannot continue.

Anybody else have the same experience, and is there a workaround for this ?


  • MikeT

    Hi @Alex_Boschmans,

    Did you also close all the programs as well? Some programs have an IE web engine embedded and that might be the cause of why 1Password thinks you have it running even though there is no IE or Windows Explorer open.

    Can you tell me which version of Windows you're using? Also, is this 1Password 1.x or 4.x you're using right now?

  • Alex_Boschmans
    Community Member

    I currently have 1password 1.x installed on windows 7. I have downloaded and tried the latest versions of both 1.x and 4.x - no go. I have closed all running programs, as well as those that were running in the taskbar (exited dropbox, steam, and other stuff in there). Rebooted and started the installation after logging in, without starting another program. Still the same message. I even started task manager and started closing processes, every time retrying. Now I might have missed one, but I don't think so.

  • Hi Alex_Boschmans - I'm so sorry you are still seeing this problem.
    Please could you email us at support+forum AT and we can give you instructions to create a diagnostic report which will help us see what's going on. Thanks.

  • Alex_Boschmans
    Community Member

    Okay,I tried once again, before sending the diagnostics report, and this time it worked. I am using the Comodo Internet Security program, and this time I disabled all the services, including realtime protection : all 3 items: anti-virus, firewall, sandbox mode. I believe last time I only disabled 2 out of 3 items. Anyway, the install went through now.
    Sorry for taking up your time...

  • MikeT

    Hi @Alex_Boschmans‌,

    You do not need to apologize for anything, it is what we're here for, to help you with anything you need when it comes to 1Password.

    I'm super glad you got it figured out. We'll see if we can reproduce the issue with Comodo and figure out a better way to approach it.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to investigate this and for letting us know what you did!

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