Can you get 1password to sync with the iCloud?


I use both Mac and PC - right now I am using wifi to sync both accounts - which is not convenient at all.
Why could it not sync with iCloud?


  • MikeT
    edited March 2015

    Hi @thai hua,

    Apple does not allow CloudKit sync APIs (the one we use to power our iCloud sync and is not the same as iCloud Drive) to be used outside of Mac and iOS platforms. So, there is no official CloudKit support on Windows or any other OS platforms.

    Currently, Wi-Fi sync is only supported between mobile and desktop, it does not support desktop to desktop, which is something we'd like to support in the future.

    There are two options you can use with 1Password, Dropbox sync and Folder Sync. If you have a local sync tool that you use to sync between Mac and PCs, you can use that to sync your 1Password data. On the Mac, use the Folder Sync to create a sync file and put it in your sync'ed folder, then direct 1Password on Windows to open that file in the same folder.

    You might find this guide useful: as it will list which ways each sync option will support.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    What @MikeT says. There is one other iCloud scenario and it is described here. That being said, @MikeT's scenarios are the way to go.

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