Question about security


Hello and thank you for taking the time to click on my post. I have a question that I'm hoping the experts can answer. I currently store keychain password file on Dropbox. I understand that the keychain file is encrypted. That makes me happy. I also understand that the security is only as good as my master password. The question I have is the encryption, if any, between my computer and Dropbox when I'm unlocking the 1Password software. So for example, I open my web browser and head to Facebook. Using my 1Password addon, I unlock using my master password. Is the data that I sent to unlock this file encrypted?


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Dropbox never sees decrypted data. All of the decryption is done in memory on your device.

  • MikeT

    Hi @derekengel,

    None of your decrypted data leaves your local computer's memory and 1Password does not decrypt more than it needs to. So, if you're just viewing a single item, 1Password only decrypts the content of that item in your memory, nothing else.

    So for example, I open my web browser and head to Facebook. Using my 1Password addon, I unlock using my master password. Is the data that I sent to unlock this file encrypted?

    When you unlock your data, all you're doing is sending a string (your master password) via the secured master password field to 1Password to decrypt its encryption key, and then 1Password uses that decryption key to decrypt your item for Facebook. 1Password will then send that username/passsword data to your browser extension to fill in your data. Facebook or your browser would see the username/password for your Facebook Login but nothing else.

  • derekengel
    Community Member

    @ MikeT, Awesome! Thank you. I'm assuming it works the same way on iOS devices?

  • The architecture of the iOS app and the extension is a bit different, but essentially the filling process works the same way there, so does syncing.

  • MikeT

    Hi @derekengel,

    You might find this article useful to read:

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