Window Focus on opening 1Password


Oh I hope that this is not just me being obtuse here ... :|
When opening 1Password from the notification area, the window doesn't get focus - I have to choose the window with the mouse before I can enter the password. I don't always remember this and type the password blindly and go nowhere...
My question: is this a Windows behaviour that I need to configure elsewhere or is this coded in 1Password?


  • LauraR

    @Mark_O - I'm sorry but I'm not seeing this behavior. I'm wondering if it depends on what else you have running? Could you create a diagnostics report as per this guide - - and email it to us at Please can you also include a link back to this discussion. Thanks!

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Which version of Windows and 1Password do you have?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2015

    @Mark_O: Just to clarify, when you say 'notification area' are you referring to the system tray (yes, I'm dating myself), which is usually in the lower right corner of the screen (date and time, etc.)? I'm not seeing that behaviour myself, so having more information about your setup may shed some light on things. :)

  • Mark_O
    Community Member


    Mea culpa. If @brenty thought that HE was dating himself .... I predate that by, ahem, double clicking in the notification area...

    So if I do only as I need and click once, then yes, focus as it should be :(

    I appreciate you all jumping and paying witness to my being not so clever. :p

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2015

    @Mark_O: Well played. I am glad to hear you solved the riddle. It happens to the best of us. I would happily share with you some of my own, similar misadventures, but I must say I make an effort to forget them and 'leave no witnesses', as they say.

    Now that you mention it, what are we going on about? I saw nothing! Cheers! ;)

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