Option to conceal Notes field [Not possible atm, use password fields instead]

Community Member
edited April 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

For logins, I have to put those pesky questions and answers that many sites make you choose (one site makes me use 7 questions and answers!) in the Notes field. As I sometimes have to login to a website with people viewing my screen, I'd like to be able to hide the contents of the Notes field. Is there a way to do that? Thanks


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @FuriousFan: I thought I was the only one! I know that others have mentioned using the Notes field for the security questions/answers for their logins. I bet this is a pretty common practice.

    But I too have, from time to time, wished that the Notes field itself was something that could be shown or hidden on demand (maybe just collapsed?) I bet we're not the only ones, but I can't recall seeing any others myself. Perhaps if others would find this useful we could add something like this in a future version.

    In the mean time, you can actually edit the item to add a new section ('security questions'?) with a 'password' field. Since 'password' fields can be concealed/revealed, you can add the answer there so it isn't displayed at all times. I hope this helps! :)

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    Thanks, it does but I think the Notes field should have an option to be hidden too. Maybe someday :)

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    I tried making a PW field but it's not a good solution as it only displays one line. I'd have to create a PW field for each question and answer.

  • MikeT

    Hi @FuriousFan,

    I'd have to create a PW field for each question and answer.

    Correct. The one benefit of that is that you can easily copy the answer by clicking on the password field or even auto-type it in. If you were to use a multiline field, you'd have to manually select the answer before pasting it in.

    Thanks, it does but I think the Notes field should have an option to be hidden too. Maybe someday

    This is an open feature request in our internal tracker, we'd like to do this as it makes sense to conceal it based on the fact that you could store a lot of sensitive data in one field that is viewable from behind you.

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    Agree. Will keep my fingers crossed :)

  • MikeT

    Hopefully, we get those fingers uncrossed or you might have to visit a doc to fix it. :smile:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I tried making a PW field but it's not a good solution as it only displays one line. I'd have to create a PW field for each question and answer.

    @FuriousFan: Sorry for not being more specific. Try this instead:

    That way the answers themselves will be concealed, and you'll be able to reveal them on demand or simply copy them to the clipboard. :)

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @FuriousFan What @brenty says. Here's a tip I would like to add to this discussion. Please do not give honest answers to these security questions, because they are known to lower your security. Please use our strong password generator for them. Your dog should be named 2ACsnw4cdXazvVqw (not Buddy or Rocky)

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    Yes, being giving nonsensical answers to these questions for years. I don't get why they're required. Thanks for the comments and suggestions all.

  • MikeT

    Hi guys,

    I don't think whoever started the security question/answer idea knew how it would've been used against them. It may have been nice 10-20 years ago when people don't share so much personal data on the Internet but nowadays, we have all sorts of social networks sharing these personal data with no restrictions.

    By the way, I'd suggest using the diceware passphrase generator, not the random character one. It makes it easier to communicate the password to the person on the phone.

    On behalf of the team here, you're welcome.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @svondutch: I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. My security questions and answers pictured above were meant to be both untruthful and ridiculous. ;)

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