Viewing secure notes on iPhone

Community Member

On iPhones, sometimes there is a viewing problem regarding secure notes: only about 3 lines are visible of a secure note, and there is no SCROLLING, it loks like the rest of the note is missing, so one has to edit the note to be able to read it! This increases the chance to make mistakes in the note.



  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    What version of 1P for iOS are you using? There have been improvements to secure notes in the most recent releases.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @eyelab,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble. We did make some improvements as Stephen_C mentioned, so can you confirm the exact version of 1Password for iOS you are using?

    What version of 1Password am I running?


  • eyelab
    Community Member

    Always latest of OS and software.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up, @eyelab. At the risk of being too pedantic, could you let me know the exact version of 1Password for iOS you are using? I'm asking just in case there is a problem with automatic updates. If that's the case, then you may not actually be running the latest version. Knowing the exact version is very helpful especially if you're having a problem that we believe should be resolved in the latest version.

    Also, have you tried scrolling just the part of the note that is visible?

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    I am having this problem as well. I am using 1p 5.4.1 on iPhone 6+ And iPad Air, both using iOS 8.3. I am editing my secure notes by moving info into specific fields. When I add a field and got to copy/paste the note info, the top half of the note disappears and does not scroll. I have to exit edit mode just to see the info and copy from there.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for following up on this, @rlgleason51! It sounds like you are describing an issue that may be slightly different. If I understood it correctly, Thomas was saying that on his iPhone he is not able to scroll the Secure Note unless he edits the item.

    What I am understanding from your post is that you are having a problem that occurs while editing a Secure Note. It also sounds like you are talking about a problem with custom fields. If that's the case, would you mind if I split this out to a separate discussion?

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    I have no problem splitting this off, but...

    I am not having a problem with custom fields, I am just creating/working with custom fields when this issue occurs within notes. I tested this and found that if I am just editing an existing custom field, the problem occurs. I want to point out that my notes are not more than just few lines, so I do not have to scroll in viewing mode to see them in their entirety.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It does sound like it might make sense to keep things in this one thread. Thanks! I'm trying to reproduce this but I don't quite seem to be able to. I completely believe you are having trouble, but would it be possible for you to give me the steps to reproduce this? I feel like I must be missing a step in your earlier description.

    Once we are able to consistently reproduce it, it should make it a lot easier to resolve. :)

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    I am using my iPad for this. I had to create dummy records as I had already cleaned out my notes field...

    Say I have 3 security q/a's in my notes fields. In edit mode, I create a section for security. Then I create a custom field for my question. When I got to my notes field, it scrolls up to al oat the top of the screen when my keyboard appears. I copy and paste the first question. I then create a password custom field and repeat the process for my answer.

    It is usually about this time that the info in the notes field scroll up off the screen when. Y keyboard appears. When I try to scroll down, the iPad screen moves, but not the notes field.

    I tried to work from the bottom of the notes field, but then the whole field scrolls up and I cannot access any of the data unless I leave edit mode.

    I cannot remember if dropping the keyboard restores the notes field, although I tend think it does not otherwise I would not have been leaving edit mode.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    Is this in an item of the "Secure Note" type like the original post in this thread?

    Or are you seeing this with the "notes" field in another item type? Come to think of it, it's possible that even though eyelab said "secure notes" perhaps he meant the notes field as well.

  • eyelab
    Community Member

    Version on iPhone: 5.1.4. I had the described issue a week ago ... & I was not able to scroll the tekst without entering edit mode.

  • eyelab
    Community Member

    SORRY, of course: 5.4.1 !!!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    About how long is your Secure Note, @eyelab? (We're talking about an item with that yellow legal pad icon, right?) I'm wondering if it is right on the cusp of scrolling, so it is behaving strangely. What happens if you make the Secure Note at least a few lines longer?

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    I only had the issue in secure notes, however .....but, the scure notes category was the only place where I had text in the notes field. Carryover from previous versions when you could not add sections or fields.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    How long is your Secure Note, @rlgleason51? And what happens if you make it at least a few lines longer?

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    They are empty now, but my longest was about 30 lines, my shortest was about 6-10. I will try and put some junk in a test note to,see,what happens.

  • Please let us know how it turns out. :)

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    I created a phony secure note called test and typed in som the info I had populating the notes field. This is the screen shot:

    I then started creating sections and fields for the notes and found the notes field truncated and the scrolling ineffective. I could not scroll the the first record to do a copy/paste. Here is the screen shot.

    Hope this helps.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    Addendum. Sometimes the scroll would take me to the top, but then the keyboard would disappear and note field would be displayed but not the fields I was creating.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited May 2015

    IPad4, iPhone 5s, 1Password and Secure Notes. All have latest version updates.

    I have had the same issue for at least a month.
    I can see all the text on most of my secure notes, but other secure notes I can not see all the text within the secure note unless I click edit.
    On a couple of the secure notes that have this issue I can view all the text by tilting to landscape, but only on a couple.
    Adjusting the IOS text size helps temporally before quickly reverting back.

    This seems to be some kind of aspec ratio problem causing this.

    dah :'(

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kunder, @rlgleason51: I'm sorry you're still having trouble with Secure Notes! We're trying to figure out if it's something related to the length or type of content, because we haven't been able to reproduce it yet.

    Are either of you using accessibility features like zoom or text scaling? I've only had issues reminiscent of what you're describing in connection to bugs in those iOS features, but those seem to have been cleared up in 8.3. So any information you can provide might offer a clue.

    @rlgleason51: Would you be able to copy and paste the exact contents of your dummy Secure Note which exhibits this problem into a post here? I'd like to see if I can recreate it on my wife's iPad Air to perhaps reproduce the issue you're having.

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    No zoom, text scaling or other accessibility settings used. My secure note is below:

    Serial number: Sksksus77888$8
    Model: Akakkaakak
    Bought: mm/did/yyyyy
    Store: maandpa

    iPhone 1
    Serial number: Xxxxxaxaxaxaxaxxax
    Insurance: BnBjjjjjjdjdjdj
    End date: mm/did/yyyyy

    iPad 1
    Serial number: Xxxxxaxaxaxaxaxxax
    Insurance: BnBjjjjjjdjdjdj
    End date: mm/did/yyyyy

    Serial number: Xxxxxaxaxaxaxaxxax
    Insurance: BnBjjjjjjdjdjdj
    End date: mm/did/yyyyy

    iPhone 2
    Serial number: Xxxxxaxaxaxaxaxxax
    Insurance: BnBjjjjjjdjdjdj
    End date: mm/did/yyyyy

    iPad 2
    Serial number: Xxxxxaxaxaxaxaxxax
    Insurance: BnBjjjjjjdjdjdj
    End date: mm/did/yyyyy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited May 2015

    No zoom, text scaling or bold is being used.
    IOS text size is set from left to right the third knot.
    Below is one of my secure notes that does not show all the text.
    On my iPad it varies silently where it cuts off, but on this note usually around (Lost Wages:) dependent on if I am in picture mode or landscape.

    Another point to notice is when I click edit the yellow pad title bar disappears thus it shows all the text in edit mode and I assume is a normal reaction in the app and gives room to show all the text in edit mode.

    Copy below here:

    Homeowners Insurance Expenses

    Homeowners are often unaware of just how vulnerable they are to catastrophe. That’s because homeowners insurance doesn’t cover many unexpected costs, including, in many cases, damage related to earthquakes and flooding.

    Here are 10 expenses that you might have expected insurers to cover.

    Private insurance rarely covers flooding, so homeowners who want that protection need to get it through the federal government’s National Flood Insurance Program, which is run by FEMA. Many homeowners, though, mistakenly think that their insurance policy does cover flood damage.

    Just as with flooding, consumers who want earthquake coverage often need to take out an additional policy for it. Earthquake coverage is usually only an issue in areas that face a high risk of trembles, such along the San Andreas fault.

    According to the Consumer Federation of America, deductibles are going up by as much as 2 to 5 percent. That means homeowners shell out more out-of-pocket cash before their insurance coverage kicks in.

    Simultaneous events:
    Because of the technical term known as “anti-concurrent causation,” if two events happen at once, and one of those events, such as flooding, is not covered by insurance, then the policy might not cover damage from either event. That means flooding and wind damage that happen together could end up being very costly for a homeowner.

    Post-traumatic emotional support:
    Homeowners who experience traumatic events, such as fires or floods that completely devastate their homes, often find themselves in need of emotional support along with financial help. Insurance companies do not typically cover this type of service; instead, support groups and online forums can help.

    Multiple bids:
    Insurance companies often recommend specific contractors to handle repairs, but a better strategy for homeowners may be to solicit competing bids, including from contractors not associated with the insurance company.

    Lost wages:
    Filing for coverage after damage, as well as any necessary appeals, can be time-consuming work, and can take away from work time. Insurance doesn’t typically reimburse homeowners for lost wages.

    A total rebuild:
    Most insurance policies have caps, which means they might not cover the cost of completely rebuilding a home after a fire, for example. Most homeowners, though, mistakenly think policies do cover that full cost of rebuilding.

    Burst pipes:
    While insurance policies often cover damage caused by burst pipes, they typically don’t if the burst pipe is caused by homeowner negligence. That includes forgetting to drain pipes or leave the heat on during a winter vacation.

    Required upgrades:
    Even if new laws require updates in undamaged parts of a home, insurance policies usually don’t cover those costs. Homeowners worried about this can take out extra “ordinance or law” coverage.

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for the sample notes - this will be useful when troubleshooting and fixing this bug.

    ref: OPI-2682

  • rlgleason51
    Community Member

    Addendum. I just tried to delete my test note, but the option to delete did not appear UNTIL I manually deleted two sections. Once the size of the note,was reduced, I was able to access the delete option at the bottom.

  • Thanks for the additional info, @rlgleason51!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Addendum you have a point. You can however click edit and at the end below the note lift up on the bar and it will show the delete option.
    This might be caused by the same issue of not being able to see all the text of some secure notes other than when in edit.

  • Thanks for that, kunder!

  • Faude
    Community Member

    Hi there.
    I have a Problem with Secure notes. My version is 5.4.3. i use an iPhone 6+
    The Text length of a Single note is limited. If i add more text the Text ist cut off at the end. If i edit the note the text ist still there, but when i click "done " it does not show up in viewing mode.
    Any solutions?
    Thank you

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Faude,

    Could you please clarify what you're seeing? If it's simpler, it might be an idea to create a Secure Note with demo data and take a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

This discussion has been closed.