Anybody having problems with the autoupdate erasing .exe file [Might have been caused by Norton 360]

Community Member
edited July 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Today's update of 1Password stopped with an error message about not being able to create a file when it already exists. It recommended I retry (same thing happened) and then it recommended that I abort the process instead of Ignore the error. I now see that the desktop shortcut doesn't work; nor does the Start/1Password link work. I cannot even open it to check what version it is for this process.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wescottmc: It sounds like you might have some security software either quarantining 1Password.exe or simply deleting it outright...but another possibility is a temp file permissions issue.

    1Password needs admin rights to be able to install and run properly, so if there's some group policy in effect it might be interfering. Obviously if that's the case it might not be something you have any control over, but perhaps you can disable security software temporarily and download a fresh copy of 1Password from the AgileBits website to see if you're able to install that way. Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • MikeT
    edited July 2015

    Hi @wscottmc,

    To expand on brenty's post, one thing that helped in the past:

    1. Uninstall 1Password via the Control Panel > Remove Programs
    2. Move the 1Password 4 folder out of the Program Files (x86) directory into your desktop
    3. Download a fresh copy of 1Password from the website:
    4. Install and reboot

    That should help but as Brenty mentioned, this was usually caused by a security program, bad permissions, or a program that cleans up your programs by removing the files for you.

  • wescottmc
    Community Member

    brenty and MikeT: Thanks! That seems to have solved the problem. As it is, Norton360 did a recent upgrade to the program and had me delete several "risks." As I don't speak "computer" and none of these programs speak English, I did the recommended fixes. That probably is the source of the issue; that said, it only showed up when AgileBits did a update yesterday. Thanks, again.

  • MikeT

    Hi @wescottmc,

    Thanks for letting us know. I would skim the list next time to see if 1Password or Agile is on the list and deselect it, no program should be making any "suggestions" for our program.

    I'm glad you're up and running now.

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