Unable to set up dropbox with 1password on windows 7


I have downloaded drop box to my pc. The next step for synching is to go to preferences and choose "move to dropbox". That radio button is not available. So I'm unable to set this up.

I have the most up to date 1password and mydropbox is version 3.6.8

I'd like to use dropbox for the synching between my pc // a laptop, iphone, ipad... Thanks, David

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.4.1
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @azdavid: There are a lot of things that could cause Dropbox to not be recognized, but even so the button will still be there; it will simply offer to download the Dropbox client instead. Can you attach a screenshot of what you're seeing?

    But more importantly, that button is just there to make it easier. All you need to do is put your 1Password.agilekeychain in your Dropbox folder, and it will sync just fine. Just make sure you open the vault in 1Password after to make sure it knows the new location, and then set up Dropbox Sync in 1Password on your other devices so that they're pointing to the same vault. Let me know how it turns out! :)

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