1Password for Windows with Chrome (Metro/W8 mode) [Not supported, must use regular version of Chrome

1Password Alumni
edited July 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows
This discussion was created from comments split from: New Product Request: 1Password for Chrome OS.


  • Nixon506E
    Community Member

    I am just hoping to use 1Password while in Chrome Fullscreen Mode on my Surface Pro. Switching back to the desktop makes it really hard to use.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2015

    @Nixon506E: I'm not sure how this is related to Chrome OS (since you're almost certainly running Windows on that Surface Pro), so I've moved this to the Windows category of the forums.

    Is there any particular reason you can't run 1Password maximized and swipe from the left to switch back and forth to Chrome as needed? Also, you could use Split view with 1Password/Desktop on one side and Chrome/Fullscreen on the other.

    1Password is a Windows Desktop app, and that won't change; but we've also got a (separate) Windows Modern app in alpha currently if you're interested.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions! :)

  • Nixon506E
    Community Member

    I don't really want to have 1Pass fullscreen all the time but I like using the fullscreen version of Chrome. If there was a ChromeOS build then chrome could intelligently manage switching as well as show a proper interface when popups would normally occur. My workflow does not fit well with having to manually switch screens so often without notification.

  • MikeT
    edited July 2015

    Hi @Nixon506E,

    Unfortunately, this is not something we can fix with Chrome running in the Windows 8 mode (what you meant by ChromeOS on your Windows PC), you can only use the regular version of Chrome on the desktop for the extension to appear on top of it.

    While we're interested in a ChromeOS version, it's not something that can be done quickly. There are no guarantees that even a ChromeOS version of 1Password would work in the Windows 8 mode of Chrome. However, you might find the interesting news from Google that they'd like to allow Android Apps to run in ChromeOS. If this does happen, we might have better luck from our Android version running in ChromeOS but it will be difficult to know if extensions can be interfaced like that.

This discussion has been closed.