Master Password opens all vaults but not on Windows?



I have looked in the help docs but cant find what I need. Using a MAC I created;

Vault 1 - Personal for me
Vault 2 - Shared

When I open 1Password on the MAC I can use the password for Vault 1 and it opens both vaults, and I dont have to enter the password to view vault 2.

When using 1Password on Windows the user has the same setup but there Vault 1 has there personal password different to my vault 1. When they open this they then need to enter the password to open the shared vault 2 each time. Is there a way to make it work in the same way as mine?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • LauraR

    @oliverellis - 1Password on Mac and 1Password on Windows handle multiple vaults differently. 1Password for Windows does not include the concept of primary and secondary vaults, so each vault is locked and unlocked separately. In 1Password for Mac unlocking your primary vault will grant access to all vaults.

    1Password on Mac and iOS has a central database file that keeps all of your vaults and enables it to unlock all vaults at once via the primary master vault.
    This doesn't exist on Windows, it read and writes to your vault files directly, rather than dealing with one database file.

  • oliverellis
    Community Member

    Ok @LauraR, thanks for your response and help.

  • LauraR

    @oliverellis - you are very welcome :)

  • sekmet
    Community Member

    Don't mean to change the topic but is there a way to implement the windows behavior on a mac? Make it so each vault or certain vaults work with the master password while others will prompt you for a password?

  • @sekmet - I'm sorry but currently there is no way to do this on the Mac.

  • sekmet
    Community Member

    Ok, sounds good. Appreciate your response.

  • @sekmet - you are very welcome.

This discussion has been closed.