Request a tab stop on vault dropdown in Chrome Extension


I use two vaults - one for personal and one for business. I switch back and forth many times a day (until you develop merged Vaults on Windows... nudge, nudge, nudge). I like to avoid using the mouse if I can and so in Chrome (44.0.2403.155) I use the CTRL+\ key stroke to pop open the 1Password extension menu. Then I down arrow and choose "Lock". In the form that pops up the Vault selection dropdown does not have a tab stop meaning that I need to use the mouse to click on the dropdown and select the appropriate vault. I can't simply tab to this control.

Please add a tab stop to this dropdown to speed up switching between vaults.

Happy to hear if there's a faster workflow for this task?

And absolutely rapidly desperate for unified vault login... or please change product name to ManyPasswords ;-)

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:Tab stop for changing vault in Chrome Extension


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Please add a tab stop to this dropdown to speed up switching between vaults. Happy to hear if there's a faster workflow for this task?

    @KeenUser: I am really confused about the 'tab stop' reference, since it implies that you can Tab through the extension menu in the first place. But maybe this helps: to switch vaults, I just press Ctrl Alt \, , , , , and then select the vault I want and hit Enter. There is no need to lock the current vault, since 1Password does this automatically when you switch to another.

    And absolutely rapidly desperate for unified vault login... or please change product name to ManyPasswords ;-)

    To be clear, not having to enter a password to open a vault eliminates the security benefit of having separate vaults in the first place, but we would like to add more flexibility in the future as well. :)

  • KeenUser
    Community Member

    Thanks for the fast response, Brenty. See this screenshot. You cannot tab to get focus on the dropdown highlighted with the arrow. As it happens, your "Open Vault" sequence of keystrokes achieves what I was looking for, but in a different way. Perfect. Thanks.

  • KeenUser
    Community Member

    Actually, I am just realizing that this is indeed relevant issue. When you first open Chrome, or if your vault has locked due to the login time lapsing, when you click the 1Password shortcut (CTRL+ALT+) the login form appears (that I linked to) with the last vault selected. IF you want to login to a different vault you have to use the mouse.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @KeenUser: You're absolutely right! Thanks for the illustration and the additional explanation. I understand completely now.

    Now, I can't say for certain if or when we might update the keyboard support in the vault unlock window, but I have reported this so that hopefully we can make that a bit more streamlined in the future. Thanks again for bringing this up! :)

    ref: OPW-489

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