How do I change the password that I use to open 1password?


I have had trouble with the password I use to open the program, so I wish to change it.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: ??
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: ??
Referrer: kb:master-password-not-accepted


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2015

    @arthurlambert: You cannot change the Master Password of your vault without first unlocking it. If this were possible, it would mean that anyone could change it and then gain access to your data with a password of their choosing! :scream:

    And (un)fortunately AgileBits also has neither your 1Password data nor the Master Password used to secure it, so this isn't something we can 'reset' for you to help directly. However, please try the tips in this guide as they may help you gain access again:

    Forgot Master Password

    If that doesn't help though, you will need to either restore from a backup, sync from another device, or simply start over. Please let me know how it turns out. I look forward to hearing back from you!

  • If you do figure it out, you can change it via the File Menu > Preferences > Security > Change Master Password.

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