Saving manually did not work

I am using 1 Password ver 5.3.2 on an iMac. My bank account requires three fields for access: Customer Login ID, user name and password. I tried the save manually solution and it did not work. The Customer field will not fill in. The bank login page is When I look at the Login item in 1 Password it does have a field in the web form details called ctl00$txtCompany. This does contain the Customer Login ID, but it does not fill the field on the bank page.
Thanks for your help.

1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:I am using 1 Password 5.3.2 on my iMac. My bank account requires three fields for access. Won't fill


  • weavermedia
    Community Member

    Hey Dodger, have you tried reporting the issue through the 1P browser extension option? It will go straight to the right people.

    You can access the option through the settings icon, choose 'Report Website Issue'.

  • Greetings @weavermedia,

    Can you tell us a bit more about how you set up this Login item please. I took a look at the URL you helpfully supplied us and it seems this bank is following a very typical bank approach of using a multi-page login. Now I tried creating a Login item for the first page and an item saved just for the first page successfully filled in the username. As I'm not a customer of this bank though it's impossible for me to view the later stages as I don't have a valid username.

    I'm wondering though, have you tried to create a Login item by following Using 1Password with login sequences split across multiple pages or have you been trying something else?

    I think a solid approach here would be to first confirm if you can make individual Login items, one per step in your bank's login process. It's not as elegant as a single Login item but what we want to do is first ensure 1Password can interact with each individual page. Once we know that works we can investigate if a single Login item will work. Does that sound like a reasonable plan?

  • Dodger
    Community Member


    I tried the method described in your link for login sequences split across multiple pages. I created a Login for the first page with Company field and User Name field filled in. The information for Company is captured in the field Company and User name information in username field. Then I went to the password page and tried to update with the password. The dropdown box does not show the Login that I created on the first page. So I went ahead and created a second Login called Bank Password.

    Now I can successfully login using these two Logins. I am not sure why the first page login did not work for me originally. I noted that previously the Company information was going into a field called ctl00$txtCompany. Now it is going into a field called Company and now it all works.

    It would be best to have the bank information all in one Login, but the two Login method does work and is not inconvenient.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Dodger: Ah, great! Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that did the trick!

    But you're absolutely right: it would certainly be more convenient (and possibly less confusing) to have a single Login item for the site...and that may be possible. No guarantees though!

    If you look at each item and then view webform details, it may be immediately apparently to you which fields and values you need from each one. If one Login item is significantly more complex than the other, you could try to right-click and Duplicate it (rather than fiddling with your working Login) and edit it to add the information from the second Login item to it. This will generally work, provided the two forms don't have fields which overlap (i.e. a 'password' field on each).

    Without viewing the Login items themselves, it's difficult to give more explicit guidance (and please do not post sensitive information here in the public forum!), but hopefully my explanation is clear enough to give you a starting point if you want to experiment with merging the two. Let me know if that helps! :)

  • Dodger
    Community Member

    I followed your directions and Duplicated the most complex Login, which is the first page with Company and user name. I added the correct password into the password field of the duplicated Login. When I tried to login with the new duplicate, the Company name will not fill in. That was the original problem. I thought maybe the password field being populated was causing the problem, so I deleted the password out of that field. Still does not work. The original Login for Company and User name still works. I reviewed the original and the duplicate (after I removed the password field) and they look identical, to me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Dodger: Ah, then it may be that the other item contains some form data that is needed for 1Password to know how to fill correctly. Try doing it the opposite way, starting with the opposite item this time and adding information from the other. Just be sure you duplicate your item rather than editing one that's working, in case you need to go back to it.

    Of course, it may also be that both forms contain unique information that 1Password will need to fill in each case...and you'll simply need to stick with two items — one for each step. But it's always worth a try! :pirate:

  • Dodger
    Community Member

    Same results, the Company name will not fill in. I think I will stick with the two items. Thank you for your help.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! I'm sorry that the forms aren't friendly to merging, but I'm glad that you've got working Login items now. We're here if you need us! :)

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