Database security


Hello, I have a question about security of database - Passwordvault aka agilekeychain. So, as I understood anyone can find 1Password.agilekeychain folder on my computer and easily find(even in main windows there are menu Back up->Back up 1password vault-> would you like to open folder ) and delete all my info and I can't restore it,right? I'm not sure, can you explain how to secure those items.
Thank you.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @Vgo,

    The answer is as simple as it is probably unsatisfying:
    Backup your data and lock your PC when you leave it alone.

    Your 1Password data has to be stored somewhere and on Windows that means in a 1Password.agilekeychain or 1Password.opvault file/package. If someone gains access to your PC to a degree where they can delete data, there is nothing anyone can do.

    If you often use your PC in public places, such as libraries, using the WIN+L keyboard shortcut to quickly lock your PC when you leave it, provides a surefire way to prevent someone from meddling with it.

    In addition to that, you should always have ample backups of your data, 1Password or otherwise, if possible an offsite backup as well.

    I hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to ask if you feel that we can help you in any other way.

  • Vgo
    Community Member
    edited September 2015

    I think I solved that problem by syncing on Dropbox. Of course it is also easy to delete Dropbox folder including 1Password.agilekeychain files, but I can restore them using Dropbox website :) .

    P.S. Trial version is for limited time use only or there are other restriction. I bought iOS version doe))

  • @Vgo- Yes, syncing with Dropbox provides a great sync method as well as a great backup. The trial version is only limited in time. It is a full working version.

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