I can not find the 1PW icon anywhere on my IE11 browser on Win 7


Where have you hid it? I DO have the Command bar visible and it's not there! I made all bars visible and it's not on any of them. I open the 1PW app and open File > Preferences > Browsers tab (why is this so hidden? why not have a popup accessible from Help or File that says Install Browser Extensions or similar) and the Microsoft IE 11.0.9600.17633 checkbox is checked. I would assume that means it's installed but I am not finding evidence of that.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 11.0.9600.17633
OS Version: Win 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:missing-extension-button


  • @Teaman - the 1Password IE extension is installed by default. Can you try the following -

    From IE, click on Tools on right hand side (not the Tools in the menu bar) > Toolbars > Customize, click on 1Password on left hand side and then click on Add.

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Laura thanks for responding.
    Unfortunately, 1password does not show up on the left side of the Customize Toolbar for me. I'm in IE 11

  • @Teaman - Can you try reinstalling the 1Password IE extension as follows -

    • Run 1Password main app, select Preferences > Browsers - uncheck the box for Internet Explorer.
    • Click on OK.
    • You will see a security window asking if you want to allow changes - answer 'Yes'.
    • Then go back to Preferences > Browsers and re-check the box for Internet Explorer.
    • Click on OK.
    • Again , you will see the security window asking if you want to allow changes - answer 'Yes'.

    Please let us know if this helps.

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    I went through those steps and uninstalled and reinstalled for IE 11 but it didn't help. The customize toolbar list of options does not show 1Password.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Teaman: I'm sorry that you're still having trouble! The best thing to do will be to generate a diagnostic report and send it to support+forums@agilebits.com so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. We will get to the bottom of this! :)

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Brenty I sent a follow up email stating I still can't use 1PW in IE 11 due to a popup warning msg. See this screenshot of it:

    Notice that is says to clear the Enhanced Protected Mode setting. When I go there, unchecking the checkbox is dimmed/disabled meaning I can not uncheck it.

    I find this whole ordeal of working with 1PW and IE a royal pain. It didn't used to be. You guys are going in the wrong direction when it comes to ease of use.

  • Hi @Teaman,

    This is usually a configuration issue with Internet Explorer. By default, 1Password does work out of the box in Internet Explorer without any changes needed but something changed recently on your computer to undo the default settings for Internet Explorer.

    It appears you may be opening the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer that we do not support on Windows 7 x64. Please try opening the 32-bit instead from here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE

    Does that work?

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Turns out it's very hard to run IE 11 in 32bit mode with the 64 bit app around. Running in Admin mode makes it partially possible but I found out that doesn't solve the problem. Talked to our IT Deptand company policy requires that checkbox setting to beset and prevents it from being unchecked. So 1PW on IE in our company is toast!

  • Hi @teaman,

    I wonder why you were able to use it in the past, I assume these are recent changes by your IT department?

    Can you use a different browser?

    One way around is that you can try using our auto-type feature with Internet Explorer: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-windows/4/en/topic/using-auto-type

This discussion has been closed.