How do I cancel my account?


I don't like that it pops up at almost every site I go to and has me put in my password to move on.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:cancelation


  • Hi @Danfm,

    There is no account to cancel, 1Password is not a subscription service and we do not store your data anywhere beside your local drive. 1Password is a local program that runs only on your hard drive and protects your data there.

    I don't like that it pops up at almost every site I go to and has me put in my password to move on.

    I'm not sure which part you dislike, the entering of your master password or the pop-up to save your data, so that 1Password can auto-fill it next time.

    If you dislike the auto-save pop-ups, you can disable it by clicking on the 1Password icon on your browser's toolbar, go to Settings > Auto-Save Logins to deselect it. You will need to save your data manually by using 1Password's Settings > Save New Login on your sites or enter it in the 1Password program.

    If it is the master password, that means 1Password is auto-locking too often for your needs, which you can adjust. To do this, open the main 1Password program, unlock and go to the File Menu > Preferences > Security. Adjust the auto-lock timer to be longer and/or turn off the other times that 1Password should auto-lock. You can find out more information here.

    1Password cannot fill without decrypting the content first, which means you have to unlock it with your master password first before it can grab your data and fill it in. By adjusting the auto-lock settings, you can make it work without your master password for a long time.

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