CTRL+Q login shortcut on QWERTZ keyboard



I'm currently considering switching over from LastPass to 1Password and while evaluating the 1Password software I found the following bug: I wanted to use the CTRL+Q combination as the login keyboard shortcut (from Settings->Logins) since this shortcut isn't already used in Chrome for anything. I am using a QWERTZ keyboard where the @ sign is altr gr + q.

In theory there shouldn't be any conflict, ctrl + q = 1Password login, alt gr + q = @. However when I have ctrl + q set up as my 1Password login hotkey, I can't type @ signs in Chrome anymore. Instead 1Password tries to log me in to websites.

I hope that this bug can be fixed in a future version.


1Password Version: 4.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @obaterintedi,

    Unfortunately this is not a bug but the intended behaviour.

    The knowledge base article 'Using keyboard shortcuts' lists all keyboard shortcuts used by 1Password.

    In the list you will see that by default the keyboard shortcut for filling login credentials on English keyboards is CTRL+\.
    ALT+CTRL+\ will open the item list of avialable logins for any given site.

    This behaviour carries over to any keyboard shortcut you define. In the case of STRG+Q, 1Password will show you the list of available login items for any given site when you type ALT+STRG+Q which is the same as typing ALTGR+Q.

    I'm afraid that the only good solution for you, is to choose a different keyboard shortcut. The default for German keyboard layouts is STRG+#.

    I hope this helps.

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