limit on note size

Community Member

relying on 1password as my virtual safe deposit box, i tried to add a copy of my insurance policy a 7mb pdf and got an error message of too big 5mb max. i get it big files are slow to synch etc. but really? why limit?

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: osx 10.11
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:limit on note size


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ShadowDad,

    Thanks for taking the time to ask us about this! Although 1Password is a great place to securely store information, we don't recommend using it as a file storage solution. There are a couple reasons why we limit the size of attachments:

    One is that the encryption process is resource intensive on some platforms and/or devices supported by 1Password. Although it might not be a problem on most modern Macs, many (if not most) 1Password customers also sync their data to other types of devices/computers where it could cause problems.

    As you mentioned, big files can take longer to sync, but more importantly than that is the amount of data used - this can easily affect those who sync over a cellular data connection but have a limit on their data plan.

    Along the same lines, many mobile devices (and even some computers) don't have a lot of storage space. Keep in mind that your 1Password data is stored locally on each computer and mobile device. For example, Apple still sells 16 GB iPhones, and we try to be aware of how 1Password can impact those users.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience! Hopefully this at least helps to give some perspective on why the limit exists, even if you don't agree with it. I can certainly let our developers know you'd like to raise the attachment size limit in 1Password (although I can't make any promises about if/when that might change).

    If you have more questions about that or need anything else, just let us know - we're here for you! :)

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    thx for quick resonse
    suggestion, pop the warning at 5mb
    and let the user decide.

    i really want to be able to use only 1password for all my critical info - and am willing to pay the performance costs

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    @ShadowDad - Have you taken a look at Knox, another AgileBits product? It is designed for your use case. I realize your wish is to use only 1Password, but I thought it worth mentioning this alternative. Much better for file storage than a password manager.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

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