Sync between Mac and PC with no dropbox access


I have been a 1password user for a while now on a mac. I have installed now on a work windows 7 machine. Due to work restrictions I cannot sync using dropbox. I would like to take a copy from the dropbox location, put that on my PC and then use that to create my vault on work PC. It seems to me though like the versions are incompatible (the windows version does not like the 1password.opvault that my mac puts in dropbox that I am copying across).

Can you suggest a way I can seed my work PC with my passwords (I appreciate this may mean I cannot keep them in sync)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:switch-to-wifi


  • Hi @mark_ager,

    Both 1Password for Mac and Windows read the same data files, either .agilekeychain or .opvault.

    Can you clarify what's going on when you try to open the .opvault folder with 1Password on your PC?

  • mark_ager
    Community Member

    I have unzipped and it now seems to work. Thanks.

  • Hi @mark_ager,

    That's great to hear, thanks for letting us know.

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