why aren't my 1Password install sync'ing properly


Can someone help me with troubleshooting why my different installations of 1P are not sync'ing properly. For example, I tried to log into my NAS this morning and it didn't work (1P for Windows 7). I noticed that the IP was old which was strange because I thought I had updated it, so I changed it but it still didn't work. So, I tried my iPad which indicated the proper IP, but it didn't work either. So, I went upstairs to my Macbook ... and it worked!!

All of them should be sync'ing via my Dropbox account, and I cannot imagine where each one is getting the wrong data(?) I'll throw this out there for now, my next step will be to make sure my Macbook is sync'ing with Dropbox properly as I'm sure that's where this account was updated most recently.

TIA :)
BTW ... all versions are up to date

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win7, iOS 9, Yosemite
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @mb_shaffer,

    Just so I am understanding the problem correctly:

    1. You have a Login item for your NAS and the URL for it was an IP address
    2. On your Windows 7 PC, you tried to log in but it didn't work, it was outdated and the IP address was wrong
    3. On your iPad, it was properly updated with the right data but your Windows 7 didn't pick it up.
    4. Your Mac shows the same properly updated item, so iPad/Mac are updating correctly

    It sounds more like the PC isn't syncing. Have you tried saving a new text file in your Dropbox folder on the PC and see if it shows up on the Mac? If it doesn't, it means you should check the Dropbox client on the PC. I'd suggest reinstalling the client and see if it would work.

    If that isn't the case, could you email us your 1Password diagnostics reports for both the PC and Mac to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. This guide will explain how to generate the report for both: https://support.1password.com/diagnostics

  • mb_shaffer
    Community Member

    I'll consider sending you the diagnostics but let me clarify something first because this pretty weird.

    Note above that my iPad install also failed with respect to password, not the URL like the Win7 install. Yet I had created another login for the Agilebits forum with the MacBook and here it is working fine as I respond to your post with my iPad. I too suspect the win7 install, but why did the iPad install fail for my NAS and not for this forum? ...weird!!

    I suppose you'll need diagnostics from all installations(?) If I were to simply check the time stamps for the files that exist in Dropbox which file would I evaluate?

    Cheers :)

  • Hi @mb_shaffer,

    Note above that my iPad install also failed with respect to password, not the URL like the Win7 install.

    What about on the Mac, did you compare to see the password is the same between the iOS and Mac versions of the Login item?

    I suppose you'll need diagnostics from all installations(?) If I were to simply check the time stamps for the files that exist in Dropbox which file would I evaluate?

    Just the Mac and PC is enough for now.

    For timestamps, it depends on the vault you're using in both apps; first you should confirm both apps are pointing to the same vault.

    If you're using a vault that ends in .opvault, go inside the *.opvault > default directory to look at the timestamps on the band_*.js files.

    If it ends in .agilekeychain, go into the *.agilekeychain > default > data to look at the timestamps on the *.1Password files.

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