Creating an application login.


Trialling 1password for Windows and very happy so far. I wish to create a login for non-browser-based application i.e. Skype, following instructions at However, I am stuck at "Hold down the Ctrl key as you click on the Add URL button; Select the application from the menu that appears; Click the OK button to save your changes."
I can't see this ADD URL BUTTON anywhere on the New Item>Login screen.
Can someone please help?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @scottishagate: Sorry for the confusion! You'll need to save the Login first, and then when you edit it you can Control-click Add URL to set up the application login. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • scottishagate
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty, thanks that got me a stage further.
    The Skype login page is open.
    In 1password, I save the Login, then Edit again.
    Control-click ADD URL, the button immediately changes to ADD APP.
    Click ADD APP displays a list of five items. No.1 is Skype, the other 4 look like the last 4 things I accessed in the browser (can't see any connection to 1Password).
    Selecting Skype puts "TLoginForm" into the URL field.
    Is this correct? Turning on Scope: Display in Browser, the Browser Helper tries to load a non-existent web page, not the Skype App.
    Should I turn off Scope:Display in Browser? Then what? :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Selecting Skype puts "TLoginForm" into the URL field. Is this correct?

    @scottishagate: Yes! I know it's confusing, but many apps use rather strange window IDs, since, of course, they aren't normally viewed by humans. :lol:

    Turning on Scope: Display in Browser, the Browser Helper tries to load a non-existent web page, not the Skype App.
    Should I turn off Scope:Display in Browser? Then what? :)

    You shouldn't have to modify any settings in the item, besides adding the 'URL'. But it sounds like you may be trying to use 1Password to open Skype. Is that correct? Instead, open Skype, place the cursor in the username field, and then press Ctrl \ to fill it. Please let me know how it turns out! :)

  • scottishagate
    Community Member

    Yes, mea culpa! I was trying to open Skype via 1Password. Using Ctrl+\ in Skype username field works perfectly. Thank you so much!

  • On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome!

  • bamboo
    Community Member

    I have the same process but I have not had success loading the username and password automatically. I always use the 1Password Auto-Type method. Ctrl \ does nothing? What might I be missing?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @bamboo: This will only work in a 3rd party app if:

    1. 1Password Helper is running (Help > Restart 1Password Helper)
    2. You've got an application login setup for the app
    3. The URL is set to the ID of the window you're trying to fill in
    4. You have the cursor in the username field

    The first one is critical, since it's what listens for the keyboard shortcut. Let me know if that helps! :)

  • bamboo
    Community Member


    I had created the login for my apps a couple of years back and all the URL names were preceded by http://. For example, http://iTunesCustomModalDialog

    I recreated them and now I get iTunesCustomModalDialog. This works. I assume there must have been an update for either the Apps or 1Password.
    all good

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @bamboo: That's odd. We haven't made any changes to app logins, since they're actually pretty straightforward. I'm not sure why http:// would be appended there either, since that's not something that would be saved as part of the app ID. I'm sorry for the confusion there, but I'm glad to hear it's sorted out. We're here if you need anything else! :)

  • bamboo
    Community Member

    I have been on a Surface Pro 3 since it came out and the apps have been problematic so maybe it came from that side. Thanks again!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I think the Surface line has improved with time (and software/firmware updates). Cheers! :) :+1:

  • bamboo
    Community Member

    and by the way, 1Passward like all programs has its little issues here and there but I LOVE IT!

  • MikeT

    That's really great to hear, thank you for sharing that with us.

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