Browser extension filling in username on all future pages

I'm using the Alfred 1password integration to load a website that I'm already logged into. Whenever I visit a future page after doing this the 1password browser extension continues attempting to fill in [at least] my username. I've seen this as many as 3 clicks after the initial page loads.

This seems similar/identical to an issue posted almost a year ago [1], but it just started happening for me in the last couple days.



1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: OS X 10.11.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:browser extension filling in fields on future pages


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @mbulman. I'm sorry for the trouble you're having. Can you let us know a couple more tidbits of information about this please?

    1. Does it happen in every browser? If you haven't tried in another, please do as it might reveal some helpful difference.
    2. Does it happen on every site if you're already logged in or only on some particular sites? If it's just some, please post the URLs so we can take a look.
    3. Does it happen if you use open and fill from the main 1Password application? What about if you search for the login from the browser extension button and then press return on the search result?

    I'm sorry for the extra questions but a little more information should help us understand the problem better and offer the best way forward.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • mbulman
    Community Member

    Hey Jamie,

    Does it happen in every browser?

    It happens in both Safari and Chrome, though I can't reproduce in Safari right this second.

    Does it happen on every site if you're already logged in or only on some particular sites?

    For now it is a particular site (an internally hosted jenkins [1] server). I haven't explicitly noticed it on other sites.

    Does it happen if you use open and fill from the main 1Password application?


    What about if you search for the login from the browser extension button and then press return on the search result?




  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for that, @mbulman. One last question: if you navigate to the sign in page first and then click the 1Password button in your browser and choose the Login, does this still occur?

  • mbulman
    Community Member

    It does not

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    That matches my suspicion. We keep a reference to open and fill operations until pages finish loading, but they should be cleared out after the fill completes or a short delay so that this kind of looping doesn't happen. I will test with our own Jenkins server today and see if I can reproduce it.

This discussion has been closed.