Getting a license file from Mac purchase


I have 1Password on my mac at home and now I'm trying to install it on my windows computer, but I don't have a license file. I tried the page that is supposed to resend a license, but I didn't receive anything by email. I'm not sure if I ever had a license file or not. How do I get it?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:switch-from-mac-app-store


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @zacwitte,

    I looked for your license with the email address that you used for the forum but couldn't find anything. Did you use a different email address when you bought 1Password? Maybe you bought it directly from the App Store? I'd also like to point out that depending on when you purchased 1Password you might only have a license for Mac (and not for Windows). Until earlier this year the licenses were sold separately. If this is your situation you can get the Windows version with a big discount once you have your license :chuffed:

    We'll be waiting for your answer so we can help you from there! :chuffed:

  • zacwitte
    Community Member

    Yeah, I originally purchased it from the Mac App store. I'm now using the "1Password 6" app for mac downloaded directly from AgileBits.

    So you're saying I would have to purchase a new copy of it to install on my windows machine??

  • MikeT

    Hi @zacwitte,

    Please forward us your Mac App Store receipt showing the 1Password purchase at and we'll explain your options.

    At the very least, you would get a big discount on the desktop license as you own the Mac portion of the desktop license. If you bought 1Password very recently, you get it for free.

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