Despite following all troubleshooting steps online, I can't get my Windows to sync. Please help


I have a Windows 10 PC laptop, an iPhone 6, and a Windows 10 PC desktop. I have 1Password setup on all 3, and when I originally set these up, all 3 were syncing well using Dropbox. Over the past several months, they are not synching. I have tried all of the troubleshooting methods online, with no success. I also email Agile Bits support form a week or two ago, with no response. I would really like to get this fixed, so I can effectively use 1 Password again. Please help.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Use Internet Explorer
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Despite following all troubleshooting steps online, I can't get my Windows to sync. Please help


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @KABoeckman,

    I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're having with 1Password. I think you've already gone through this troubleshooting guide, but if by any chance you had not seen it, it's the first step to get Dropbox back to it's feet.

    I would like you to do some testing for me now so we can narrow down what's going on with Dropbox. Can you please make a brand new login in each of your three devices and see if it appears in any of the other two? If you update an item on one of your devices, does it sync to either of the other two?

    Please let us know what you find out so we can go further and get Dropbox syncing working again :chuffed:

  • KABoeckman
    Community Member

    Thanks so much for getting back with me! I am not where I can get to my Windows Desktop, but I made a new login on both my iPhone 6 and my Windows 10 laptop, and then went to both 1Password programs, and neither item synced to the other device. I made sure to login to my VPN first and then synced (I am in China, so a VPN is required to use Dropbox). If I am a little slow in responding to you, it is because it is 9:22pm here in China, and I am about to go to bed, but even if we can keep this dialogue up at a slow pace until I get this figured out, I really appreciate you helping me!

  • 你好 @KABoeckman,

    Thanks for writing in again. Can you please tell us the ticket ID that you received when you wrote to us via email?
    I'd like to take a closer look at your issue.

    Can you access the Dropbox website when you're behind the VPN in China? Which region of China are you in? This often makes a huge difference as the content filters are more restrictive in certain regions.


  • KABoeckman
    Community Member

    We are in southern China in Dongguan, close to Shenzhen and not far from Hong Kong. I did not receive a ticket ID on my email a week or two ago. Yes, I can access the Dropbox website using a VPN here in China, as I sync all of my files between my laptop and desktop all of the time. The confusing part for me is that everything did sync with 1Password for several months just fine, and for some reason, that all stopped a few months ago, and I cannot think of anything that happened to mess up the sync. Thanks again for continuing to try to help!

  • Can you send us the ticket ID please so we can follow up via email?
    IT would help a lot getting a good look at the diagnostics reports for the iOS device and the PC.

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