How do I get the key for a PC 6 user package resent.


I have a PC 6 user package, and I am trying to install one of them on a new HP PC. However, I can't find the key where I thought it was. Apparently I used the same email both for my MAC an the PC multi-user. When I requested a copy of the multi-user key I was given the key for my MAC. So how do I get a copy of the key for the PC package sent to my AT&T email?

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Referrer: forum-search:can't gey the key for a 6 user package resent


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @grhoffman,

    I've checked on our records and you only have a license for 1Password for Mac under the email address that you used for the forums, that's why you only got that one. Do you have any other email addresses that you could have used to by 1Password for Windows? If you write to to us an email to with the possible emails you could have used we'll be happy to check for you and help you find your Windows license! :chuffed:

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