Set up new Windows 10 install from a OSX backup ( 1p4_zip extension )


I recently needed to change from OSX to Windows and Fedora. I have 1p working under wine which is surprisingly cool. I'm trying to restore the backup I took from my old OSX machine onto the Windows partition of my new machine but the OSX backup file ( extension .1p4_zip ) is not recognized by 1P4.

Any ideas?


p.s. I did search the knowledgebase but didn't find an answer. Apologies if I missed one if one already exists.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hey @andrewheadrick,

    It looks like using the backup feature from OSX to Windows is not advised as it requires creating an unencrypted file of your password data, read more here:

    Instead it is recommended that you use one of the Sync options to complete this process. Since you are going from OSX to Windows it will be easiest to use the Dropbox method to accomplish this.

    First setup Dropbox sync on OSX:

    Then connect with Dropbox Sync on Windows:

    Is that an option for you?

  • andrewheadrick
    Community Member

    Yes and no. I'll monkey something together.

    Thanks for the fast response.
    Happy hump day.

  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hi @andrewheadrick, Glad to help and sorry not to have gotten you all the way there.

    Another option is to use WiFi sync but you need to use iOS as an intermediary there.

  • MikeT

    Hi guys,

    @andrewheadrick, just to clarify things:

    1. The backup feature is safe to use and it is encrypted, it is the separate export feature that is not recommended because it creates a decrypted form of your database. Backups are encrypted but they're generally not cross-platform friendly. In the other words, backups created in the Mac app can't be restored into the Windows app. However, backups in Windows app can be imported into the Mac app.
    2. As Roger suggested, syncing is the most cross-platform-friendly method you can use to push data between different computers and devices as they're built for that purpose.
    3. You do have the option of export/import but as mentioned, this is the very last resort as this is not encrypted.

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.

  • andrewheadrick
    Community Member

    Thanks for the additional responses. I borrowed a mac and have now restored everything and am using dropbox to sync.


  • MikeT

    Hi @andrewheadrick

    You're welcome, be sure to remove the data from the Mac before you give it back. :smile:

This discussion has been closed.