I want to open my back up file in windows with .1ptbackup extension how do it


I run 1password on first Ipad and Iphone six, my kid messed up my old Ipad and I had to reboot, all info lost
I cant sync 1password on my new Iphone, but I had a back up in dropbox, but I cant open the document....
1. how can I open the document?
2. how can I get hold of my lost passwords who are somewhere in the cloud.....

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I want to open my back up file in windows with .1ptbackup extension how do I do it


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rolandduong: Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that! That's never good. Unfortunately newer versions of 1Password on other platforms cannot read backup files from the old "1Password touch" apps. But you mentioned a few things in your description that I think may suggest a solution.

    You said something about "in the cloud". Were you syncing your 1Password data? If so, it may be possible to simply sync it to your other devices. Do you have your 1Password.agilekeychain stored in Dropbox? Let me know!

    Additionally, if you have the .1ptbackup and a working iOS device, you should be able to install the old 1Password app from your App Store purchase history to restore the backup there. Then we can work on syncing it to other devices.

    Please let me know all OS and 1Password versions you're using so I know what we're working with, and we'll see what the best solution might be. :)

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