Bad window positioning

Community Member
edited September 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Recently when 1pass prompts to save a new set of credentials (from chrome), the window is positioned in the top left, mostly outside the desktop (instead of centered)

With some trickery I can move the window manually, but the next time it will still be top left. Reinstalling 1pass did not resolve

Not sure if this is Windows or a 1password problem, but any assistance is appreciated :-)

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Chrome
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:window position


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mrDavid: It is so weird when this happens. It's pretty rare, so we haven't been able to track down what causes this. I suspect it may be rated to video drivers since not everyone having this issue seems to be using other display management software (virtual desktops, windowing, etc.) Try changing your resolution when this happens. That should reset the window positions. and then move the window where you want it and Shift-click to save the position. Let me know if that helps! :)

  • mrDavid
    Community Member

    @brenty unfortunately that didn't work. Just confirming, use shift-click and drag the window to save position? Shift-clicking the titlebar did not work either

    Is there any debug mode I can use to help you guys resolve?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mrDavid: Unfortunately individual apps don't have final say about window size/position, so it isn't something we can really debug on our end. 1Password saves its coordinates, but if something else (display manager, OS, etc.) is resetting or otherwise changing this, there isn't much 1Password (or any other app) can do. What I meant was to hold the Shift key when clicking the [x] to close the window. Did you try resetting the display resolution to reset the window's position?

  • mrDavid
    Community Member

    @brenty shift clicking the [x] doesnt resolve either :-(

    Yes I did adjust the windows resolution when the prompt was open. It did move the prompt within the desktop area (still top left), but the problem still occurs the next time the prompt appears

    The only display manager I have installed is the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel which comes with the driver.

    The graphics is UHD which requires Windows Scaling. Windows Scaling does cause certain apps to not display properly and I wouldn't be surprised if it was related. Though testing with scaling disabled did not fix

    I'm thinking my next step will be a Windows reset or reinstall...though I can't be bothered with that process right now

    Appreciate your help, I'll deal with it for now, thankyou

  • Hi @mrDavid,

    This often helped with other customers who reported the same issue, you may have to repeat this every once in a while as it doesn't stay fixed for a long time.

    1. With the auto-save dialog in focus, press ALT+Space on your keyboard and then press the Enter key. This will switch to Move action for the window.
    2. Now, use the arrow keys to move to the preferred location and press the Enter key to save the location.
  • mrDavid
    Community Member

    hi @MikeT, thanks for the tip. It doesn't save for me, but its much simpler than using task manager

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry that you're still having trouble with window positioning issues, but I'm glad that Mike's tip helped a little bit at least. Please let us know if you need anything else!

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