How to register 1Password 4 to use with Families account


I've signed up for a Families account to test drive it, but was dismayed to find how crippled version 6 of the Windows application is compared to version 4. I would like to use version 4 in the meantime until version 6 gets up to speed, but it's asking me for a license key. If I start paying for the Families account, is there any way I can register version 4 of the Windows application without paying for it separately? I really do _not _want to use version 6.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Rusty_Shackleford: Boy howdy! I'm glad you're giving 1Password a try and stopped by to give us feedback. I only wish it were under better circumstances, but I'll be happy to help!

    First and foremost, shoot us an email at with your purchase details and we'll work out the details for you to use 1Password 4 instead. Just keep in mind that it cannot access data in a 1Password Account. That is, after all, why we're building the new app!

    But also, would you mind telling me more about the specific limitations you ran up against with 1Password 6 which affected your workflow? I may be able to help with that too, but at the very least your feedback can help us prioritize where we focus our efforts there. Thanks in advance! :)

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