WLAN or folder Sync from Windows. Using 1PW6 and 1PW4 at the same time?


I've got 1Password as a trial and think about a move to it from my previous PW management tool.

First I installed 1PW6, imported my old passwords and installed the iphone app. I want to keep my passwords local, so I need WLAN sync or folder sync.
Then I read this is only possible with 1PW4. The first question is why?? Will it be added to 1PW6, too? It is most important to me to have this option (no cloud sync).

Second question:
What do I need to do to either use 1PW6 and 1PW4 (just for syncing) at the same time on my Windows PC with the same vault..
or to use the now existing 1PW6 vault with 1PW4 (in case I have to remove 1PW6)?

1Password Version: latest 6
Extension Version: latest 4
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: WLAN or folder


  • Blue1
    Community Member

    One more question: is it also possible create (with 1PW6) and to put an iOS compatible vault manually on the iOS devices (i.e. by a itunes based sync tool like "Syncios"?

  • Hi @Blue1,

    Thanks for writing in. Please excuse my confusion but can you elaborate on this:

    First I installed 1PW6, imported my old passwords and installed the iphone app

    Importing from other applications only works if you have a 1Password.com account. Importing into local vault—those that 1Password 4 uses—isn't possible at the moment.

    Or did you import the data into a vault in 1Password 4 for Windows?



  • Blue1
    Community Member

    Hi Alex,

    I installed 1PW6 and imported my Passworddepot file. Realizing that only 1PW4 supports WLAN and folder sync, I also installed 1PW4 and imported my old Passworddepot file, too. Syncing between iOS and 1PW4 worked on the iPhone(iOS10). On the iPAD (iOS10) only half of the logins synced, but I might get this figured out later.

    As I would like to use the latest 1PW6 on my WIndows PC AND use WLAN sync, my question is:

    1. will non-cloud sync be supported under 1PW6?
    2. if not, why? And can I then use the same vault by using 1PW6 for Windows and 1PW4 for syncing?

    Thanks, Steffen

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    will non-cloud sync be supported under 1PW6?

    @Blue1: We may add this in a future version, but more importantly 1Password 6 does not support local vaults currently — which leads me to my next point.

    if not, why? And can I then use the same vault by using 1PW6 for Windows and 1PW4 for syncing?

    While you can technically use a local vault in 1Password 6, it will be read-only. 1Password 6 is focused on supporting 1Password Accounts currently, so if you're not using the subscription service, you'll be better off using 1Password 4 anyway, which does have WLAN Server support for Wi-Fi sync.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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