Multi page login, selected fields


Several of the financial websites I sign in to have more than one page. Typically username on page 1 and password and security code (separate fields) on page 2 BUT only asking for selected fields of the total password/code.
At the moment it looks as though 1P is not going to be able to cope with such sites at all - am I right? If so, then it looks like 1P is not going to work for me. Please advise, thanks.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • mohamedosman
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @jacksoag, thanks for writing in.

    At the moment it looks as though 1P is not going to be able to cope with such sites at all - am I right?

    You're partially right. 1Password will not be able to automatically enter your credentials on both pages, but you can invoke the extension to enter just the username on the first page, and just the password on the second.

  • jacksoag
    Community Member

    but 1P will not be able to enter the 2nd, 4th and 8th (for example) characters of my 9 nine character password will it? - 1P does not know that those are the 3 characters being requested this time around (does it?)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    but 1P will not be able to enter the 2nd, 4th and 8th (for example) characters of my 9 nine character password will it? - 1P does not know that those are the 3 characters being requested this time around (does it?)

    @jacksoag: No. As frustrating as these types of login procedures are for humans, 1Password isn't capable of understanding what's going on there at all. But if you're using the new 1Password 6 Windows desktop app, open the main 1Password app and view the item details to use the Large Type feature to make it a bit easier for you:

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • jacksoag
    Community Member

    Thanks @brenty and @mohamedosman . Shame to ask this, but are there any other Password Managers currently out there that can handle this scenario? Or is it just a Holy Grail?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jacksoag: None that I'm aware of. No shame at all in asking! I don't know of anything that can fill a form that is different each time, requesting different information. In fact, this sort of password input stands in opposition to the web standard of a true password field, and the security standard of sites not storing our actual passwords on the server (which they likely have to do to pick out individual characters). That's the real shame.

    I know what you mean by "Holy Grail", but I wouldn't personally call it that since I think the true Holy Grail is companies getting their act together to stop making it more difficult for their customers to be secure. These kinds of shenanigans make it very tempting for us to use the dog's name so we can easily enter the correct letters from memory when prompted. Not good.

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