Can't import to Win v4 from Mac v6


So I just had to nuke my Windows install - yay - and I'm trying to get my vault imported from my Mac to my PC. (I don't sync the two I just import from the Mac on occasion). But when I tried to do that tonight I got the error "You have imported 0 new item(s)". The Windows vault is still empty and I know there is data in the file, because I checked.

Any ideas???

1Password Version: 4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows
Sync Type: .PIF file


  • Hi @imkimc,

    Thanks for writing in.

    If it is saying that, it means it can't understand the structure, the file may be damaged.

    I have a few questions:

    1. How are you transmitting the file, with a USB drive?
    2. Which data format are you using for the new Windows vault that you're importing into, .agilekeychain or .OPVault?
    3. When you've checked for data, did you do that by viewing the file with NotePad?

    By the way, the more secure way to do this is to have the macOS version of 1Password sync to a local folder, so you can copy it to a USB drive and put it on the PC and then have 1Password on PC access it. That way, the data is always encrypted at rest and never exposed as it is risky to have the 1PIF file around.

  • imkimc
    Community Member

    That looks like it worked. I set up sync to use Dropbox. I did not use DropBox in the past because it wouldn't sync with iOS. But apparently the iOS version now supports syncing via dropbox... I guess I should read the change logs more often... who knew :)

  • MikeT
    edited November 2016

    Hi @Imkimc,

    I'm glad to hear it is working with Dropbox now.

    We've been supporting Dropbox for more than a few years on all macOS + iOS + Windows platforms, we didn't change anything recently.

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