How to create folders in 1Password for Windows


Hi. I would like to know how to create and manage folders for items in 1password 6 for Windows. I created a lot of items, especially documents that I imported to the application and I would like to aggregate them. I can't find the way to create a new folder.
Thanks for your answer.

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: 1.308d
OS Version: Windows
Sync Type: Account


  • analogist
    Community Member

    1Password for Teams/Families don't directly use folders. Instead it uses tags for organization, and you can put in multiple tags using commas or spaces.

    This isn't exactly the same as folders, but it can be better than folders in a lot of cases, because each item can belong to several tags (say Amazon might be "shopping, clothing, books, electronics" and Best Buy might just be "shopping, electronics"). That way you can search for your passwords a couple of different ways as opposed to wondering "what was that kitchen supply website again? Did I put it under 'appliances'? Or was it 'kitchen'? Or 'household'? Or just 'shop'?" and looking all over the place.)

    For example, some of my tags look like this:

    If you really really want folders, in the sense that you want to completely separate one set of passwords from another, you can create extra vaults to do this (right now you can only do that from the web interface if you have the permission to do so as a Teams Administrator / Families Organizer)

    4.PNG 32.8K
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Thomas83: Indeed, the flexibility of tags is both a great asset and a bit of a liability, since their structure is entirely up to you. But once you come up with a system that makes sense to you, they're really powerful. For example, I have a tag for each of the credit cards I associate with websites for purchases. That way if I replace the card, I can quickly go through and update these sites with the new information. That's just one example though, and we're here to answer any questions you might have about that or anything else about 1Password. :)

  • Thomas83
    Community Member

    Thank you guys for the answers. They were very useful! I am now using tags and they're great. I'll let you know if I have other questions.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2016

    You're welcome! Don't hesitate to reach out any time. We're here for you! :)

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