Embarrassingly Slow on the PC


Hi guys/gals. The PC version of the app (latest one) is very, very slow. Even on my high performance PC at home, it can take up to a minute just to view a new category. On the old laptop at the office, I might as well go for a coffee. This really shouldn't be the case for a small database app of under 700 records. I know the last time I raised this there was some indication of work in this area. Any updates? Thanks

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • MikeT
    edited December 2016

    Hi @FuriousFan,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Are you using 1Password 4? If yes, that's unfortunately normal if you're using the OPVault format and the only option right now is to switch back to Agile Keychain, which 1Password 4 is more tuned for. It is the random I/O performance that matter the most, not the CPU or GPU as 1Password 4 doesn't use them to decrypt data. It's not 700 simple data items, it's 700 heavily-encrypted items that it needs to parse, fully decrypt and then loaded into the program's UI at once when you unlock initially. 700 is actually a large database, not a small one for 1Password 4.

    The good news is that this has been rebuilt completely in 1Password 6 as we're using a modern and efficient database structure that will allow us to parallelize data and UI threads separately, not to mention run smarter data queries. It already can unlock 20K-item database faster than 1Password 4 can unlock 500-item database with the same hardware spec.

    Unfortunately, we don't have a timeframe on when 1Password 6 will be available for local vault customers, it is already available for 1Password.com customers and has read-only support for local vaults but it is not fully complete yet. We will release more details as soon as we can.

    If you want to try it, you can find 1Password 6 here: https://1Password.com/downloads/ Again, OPVault support is read-only at the moment and 1Password 6 has missing features you'd expect to see.

  • FuriousFan
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. I don't want to switch back to Agile Keychain as it was painful enough to move from that to OPVault. It's not the initial opening of the application that's slow, it's changing from one category to another. I'm guessing that when opening the database, it's not decrypting everything but does it when a request is made. It's so bad that the window often says that "1 Password is Not Responding". I'm going to wait until v6 is available as a production release.

  • AlexHoffmann
    edited December 2016

    Hey @FuriousFan,

    Thank you for elaborating. When switching views, 1Password 4 has to prepare the overviews and decrypt data, which creates the load you're seeing.
    We are very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you.



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