1Password 6 or 4 for Windows 10


I'm a little confused as to whether I should be using 1Password 6 or 4 for Windows 10.

I do have a license for 1Password for Mac and Windows (I have a mixed environment: Mac at home, Windows at work). Which version of 1Password for Windows should I be using?

Right now I am using 1Password 4 for Windows. Is that the latest version? (I don't use 1Password Family or 1Password Accounts).

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Jassword
    Community Member

    As I understand it, you can use either 1Password 4 or 1Password 6 on Windows 10. But currently you cannot do WLAN syncing with 1Password 6 on Windows, so if you are not going to use a 1Password account, you will have to use 1Password 4 on Windows 10 only. As for the Mac, there is only 1Password 6 and it can be used with both WLAN syncing and 1Password accounts.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tiantai: I'll go one step further and say that 1Password 6 just isn't ready for local vaults yet. As Jassword helpfully pointed out, you can read these there, but you will not be able to make any changes to them. 1Password 4, on the other hand, is a mature app with full support for local vaults. 1Password 6 is only needed for the 1Password.com subscription service for now. I hope this helps!

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