I migrated from standalone to families, but am unable to log in to 1Password for Windows


I migrated from 1Password standalone to Families, but, after installing the Windows version on my Windows 10 box, cannot get past the 1Password for Windows password screen. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times, without success. I am all good on iOS and Mac; just can't get it to work on Windows.

1Password Version: 6.333
Extension Version: 333
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: Families
Referrer: forum-search:families windows


  • Hi @reagan9000,

    Thanks for writing in. Is this a work computer by any chance and if yes, do they have a restrictive network where you might need to enter a proxy credentials?

    Do you see an error on the bottom of the sign-in page when you try to sign in?

    PS: I've moved your thread to our regular Windows forum since you are not using a beta version of 1Password.

  • reagan9000
    Community Member
    edited January 2017

    Hi Mike - No, I am installing 1Password for Windows on Windows 10 installed in Parallels. The original, non-Families version of 1Password worked fine, however now when I install the latest one, it refuses to accept either my Families password or the original one that I used prior to Families.

    I see no error message - I've attached what I see when I enter either my old or new password. I've uninstalled (using the regular Windows 10 application uninstaller) and reinstalled a couple of times.

  • reagan9000
    Community Member

    Nevermind - solved - I was entering my 1password password, not my master password.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Great! Thank you for keeping us updated, reagan9000! :)

    Please reach out to us anytime if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you!


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