Strange 1PW "mini" popup after fresh installation


Yesterday I finished building my new PC. I installed Windows (10, 64bit) and some Games, as well as 1Password for Windows. Unlike my old PC whenever i press Ctrl + 3 this strange window pops up:

My mouse has 12 side buttons that are configured for different shortcuts I frequently use in my games, Ctrl + 3 is an important one. I could not find an option do disable this behaviour and on my old computer 1Password did not do this as well. Where can I disable it?

1Password Version: 6.2.333d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dawnson: That's really odd that Ctrl 3 is triggering this. By default, 1Password uses Ctrl \, and you can change this in 1Password Settings > Options > General. Can you check your keyboard and mouse settings? Maybe there's an alias that's translating 3 into a \ for some reason. Are you using a non-US keyboard, or custom drivers for input? Very interesting.

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