No Username Field in some Items


I Pasted a problem I found reported back Oct 2015. I'm having exactly the same problem as described below. It seems that for that user, the problem just went away so no remedy for me...

I'm running Windows 7 and Firefox with 1Password version which according to 1Password is current.

"On some websites, for whatever reason, 1PW doesn't grab the username for a new website login, and when the login is saved in 1PW, it is saved without not only the username but also without a username field and thus no way to edit the login in 1PW to add the username. Neither in the browser extension nor in the desktop app can I add the username.

This seems like a bug to me. There may be a workaround, but I don't know what it is. But even if there is, having at least the ability to add the username field seems like a natural thing to do."

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @alljersey,

    Thank you for contacting us and giving us a chance to help! I am sorry for the troubles. Let's try to find out what is going on.

    I found a thread from 2015 you are quoting, but I am afraid that the situation is different now, since you are using 1Password on Windows, not Mac.

    Could you please specify the version of browser you are using and how how do you save the login items to 1Password? Are you using a 1Password extension to do that? It would be really helpful, if you described your actions step by step.

    Also, I checked 1Password 4 on my side and it seems that there are no username fields for Generated Passwords. Are you seeing something like this?

    Please let us know. Thanks! :+1:


  • alljersey
    Community Member

    Firefox 49.0.1

  • alljersey
    Community Member

    I've created items both ways. Often when using the extension, the url is wrong (pointing to a one-time address). I often find duplicate items in my list I've been using 1password from about a year but still find it confusing

  • alljersey
    Community Member

    What's really strange is that I can't find anyway to add a Username type to an existing item.

  • Hi @alljersey,

    It is possible on some sites, when 1Password prompts to auto-save a new Login item, the site didn't have the username recorded. For an example, you're on the change password form or second page of the registration form that only deals with password fields but no username on the page. If that happens, 1Password can only save the password and the site's address fields.

    Usually, what we recommend is that you visit the site's login page, fill in the data that 1Password has but don't submit it, instead do this:

    1. Enter the username and then click on the 1Password icon in the browser's toolbar,
    2. Go to Settings > Save New Login and change the option to replace the Login item, like so:

    That will update the Login item with the username.

    If you want to do this manually within the main program: edit a Login item in 1Password 4, look at the very bottom, there should be a table of rows. It should look like this:

    If you don't see the username row, you have to click on + button next to it to create the username field type.

  • alljersey
    Community Member

    I'm reviewing my items and finding many with 2 or 3 entries - must are only seconds after the first. Is this because once i create the new account login, it gets saved again after the next login?

  • Hi @alljersey,

    I'm not sure I understand what you're seeing. Would it be possible to share a screenshot with us (black out the titles and any sensitive data first)? If you want, you can email it to us at and if you do that, please include a link to this thread, so we can connect the dots.

    Let us know here when you sent that email.

  • alljersey
    Community Member

    I've cleaned up all the duplicate entries. I'll let you know when it happens again - then I will be able to tell you what actions I took.

  • Hi @alljersey,

    What sync option are you using with 1Password? Sync conflicts can result into duplicates like this depending on what sync tool you're using.

This discussion has been closed.