Browser Extension / 1P Mini not working properly on W10



I have been getting this weird behavior with 1P on my browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) on W10.

Regardless of the browser I am using this is what happens (randomly or so it seems):

  1. When I click on the 1P extension on the browser to enter the login of a website, the 1P mini window blinks for a second and then it disappears. No matter how many times I click on the extension icon, the same thing happens. Then, after the 20th+ time or so I try this, the mini window shows up. It is a real PITA.

  2. If the behavior on 1. is not presenting itself, then what I get when I click on the extension icon is that another extension is activated (or its options shown) as if I had clicked on that extension icon instead of 1P's!!!!!!!!

This happens in all the browsers listed above rendering 1P almost useless.

I have been a 1P user since the very beginning of the project mostly on Mac.

Can you please help?


1Password Version: 6.2.333d
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: W10 Pro 1607
Sync Type: 1P Family


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2017

    Hey @schummi,

    Nice to hear from a long time user, welcome to the forums. :chuffed: Sorry about the trouble with the extension - let's see what we can do.

    Regarding the first issue where the 1Password Min disappears after appearing briefly - this is known to happen for some PCs if you're using multiple monitors. Would you happen to be using multiple monitors? If that is the case we have a number of work-around that might help when you encounter this until we have this fixed:

    • Alt-tab to the 1Password window
    • Windows Key + Up/Right/Edge to move the Window to the current monitor and then drag it.

    The second issue you report however is new to me - this sounds more like a Chrome issue where Chrome is sending the button click event to the wrong extension. If you disable the other extensions temporarily does that fix the issue?

    Best regards,

    ref: OPW6-657

  • dubeg
    Community Member

    Hey schummi,
    I also have the same problem, and I wonder if it's some edge case when having 2 displays with different DPI settings on Windows 10. My setup is the following:

    • laptop display to 125% DPI scaling,
    • external display to 100% DPI scaling.

    I've played a bit with it and the problem seems to disappear when I disconnect the external display.

    I wonder, is your setup similar to mine?

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @dubeg,

    Thanks for jumping in to help! You might have seen my reply to @schummi a few minutes before your post, which had a number of workarounds for the known issue you're hitting. I'd be interested to know if those helped.


  • schummi
    Community Member

    Hello all,

    Thank you very much for your responses.

    On issue 1, yes it is exactly my setup. Multiple monitors (2) with different dpi scaling. However, there is an additional twist to the problem: the machine I am seeing this on is a Surface pro 4 connected to an external monitor. If I close the lid (keyboard cover) of the device, the machine turns the internal monitor off and only uses the external. It is similar to Apple's Clamshell mode. Under those circumstances, there is virtually only one monitor connected with one single dpi setting and yet I see the problem BUT I am unable to see the 1P mini window as the internal monitor is turned off (and covered by the keyboard in the case of the Surface).

    This is really annoying.

    Ok Mathew. I will try the workarounds tomorrow and report back.

    On the second issue, it happens in Chrome, Firefox and Opera. Same behavior.

    Thank you again.

  • dubeg
    Community Member

    Hi @matthew_ag ,
    The workarounds did not help because, in my case, the extension's window immediatly disappears and the focus is given to the desktop as if I clicked on the desktop. Here's a video of what's happening:

    I came across a thread that may or may not be related to our problem.!topic/chrome/XX46J1uaMHo

    This user also mentions a similar setup: "then there is my multi-monitor setup, one with 125%, the other is set to 100% scale".

    Concerning the UI weirdnesses he mentions, I noticed as well that Chrome's window buttons are bigger than, for example, Explorer's, which you can see in the video linked above.

    And then he says this: "the extension buttons on the second monitor have a popup menu that cannot be accurately clicked, because the mouse cursor is misaligned, it isn't where it thinks it is". Could this be the cause of our problem?

  • dubeg
    Community Member

    Forget what I said about Chrome specifically, Firefox also shows the same behavior on the same setup.

    I'd try to diagnose the problem further than that but the extension's source code is min'd. However it seems that the way the popup is shown is different in each browser.

    Anyway, I couldn't understand whose fault it is: browsers reporting bad mouse positions or the extension not calculating it properly. Chrome seems to have its fair share of issues on our setup. I'll look in the FF's bug tracker tomorrow.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @dubeg,

    Thank you very much for making that short video demonstrating the issue - I will show this to some of our Windows developers and confirm whether we know about this one or not.

    I have tried re-creating a set up like yours with multiple-monitors with different DPI scaling on Windows 10 with 1Password for Windows 6 and Chrome 56 but I couldn't reproduce the flickering 1Password Mini. :(

    Hopefully I can come back to you once our Windows devs have taken a look.

    Best regards,

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @schummi,

    Thanks for your reply! Hopefully those suggestions will work for you.

    If not, it might be worth checking out the short screen capture video that @dubeg made of the issue that he's seeing to see check if it's the same issue you're experiencing. Here is a link to it:

    Best regards,

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @dubeg, @schummi,

    Apparently there is a known issue if you have the main 1Password app open while editing an item. In this case the 1Password Mini will sometimes show and then immediately hide due to the editing form trying to steal focus. When you were trying this out, did you happen to be editing an item in the main 1Password app at the time? It wasn't apparent from the screen capture video if the field was being edited at the time.

    Since it's reproducible for you guys would it be possible to send us a Diagnostics Report after reproducing the issue please? This would help our Windows developers investigate this and hopefully get a fix out for it. The following guide will show you how to create a Diagnostics Report:

    Once you've created the report please forward it to You should get an automated response with a code, e.g. [RFW-73638-234]. Please reply with that code here so I can locate the Diagnostics Report.

    Best regards,

  • dubeg
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Hey @matthew_ag ,

    Oh, so the bug would be in the app, and not in the browser extensions. Makes sense.

    I've looked at the diagnostic file it generated. It would've been interesting if it included the location at which it wants to show the popup in screen coordinates.

    Concerning the known issue, it doesn't seem to be related to our problem, since it happens even while I am not editing any item, and also while the main app window is minimized into the notification area.


  • schummi
    Community Member

    Hello there again!

    Thank you all for the support!!

    So I produced the report and send it to AB. The ID returned is #DDM-26874-121.

    I agree with dubeg as it seems to be 1P related. I also agree on the suspecion of it being perhaps related to the display scaling on HiDPI (or semi-HiDPI) and how the coordinates for each extension button might not be properly reported or caculated to/by 1P. I have not seen this effect in any other app or extension.

    Anyway, I'd be happy to learn about the solucion as 1P is currently a storage tool for me on Windows as I can not fill-in or even access informacion thru 1P mini.


  • Hi guys,

    Just to explain further on how 1Password works, there are no UI and data stored within your 1Password extensions. Instead, 1Password extensions communicate to the main 1Password process via a secured background (localhost) connection and 1Password mini is the one rendering the UI + data for you.

    Windows have a long list of requirements about bringing up a foreground window from a backgrounded process and the trick we have for this is to simulate a mouse click on 1Password mini as soon as it is rendered, to force it on top of your browser and apps. Without this, 1Password mini would just hide in the background when you click on 1Password icon in the browser because you're focusing the browser when you do this, not 1Password.

    With that in mind, we're seeing a few reports that if you accidentally double-click on the 1Password icon or too many times before 1Password mini is fully rendered, 1Password lost track and started to destabilize. The good news is that in 1Password 6.3, we're suppressing the multiple clicks and sped up the rendering process by reusing 1Password mini's window by hiding/showing it instead of regenerating it each time you ask for it.

    Would both of you be willing to give the latest 1Password 6.3 beta a try to see if it works better? It is a release candidate right now, meaning as long as we don't find any deal breakers, it will be the next stable update.

    If yes, you can enable the beta builds in the update settings. To get there, open the main 1Password app and go to Settings on top right (gear icon), select Options and then in the Updates section, enable the Include beta builds. Make sure you follow the instructions below it.

    Let me know how it turns out for you.

    ref: DDM-26874-121, ref: LSY-64189-642

  • dubeg
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT ,
    Just played a bit with the Beta; it seems a lot better. Sometimes on the first click in a while, it will take a few more ms than expected, but it is not flickering and clicking something else anymore, or at least it didn't happen to me for the time I played with it. Maybe @schummi will be able to confirm as well?

    Anyway, thank you team!

  • MikeT
    edited February 2017

    Hi @dubeg,

    That is great news, especially since we don't know the cause of this yet and are still investigating it, it is possible we've unknowingly fixed the problem due to the various improvements we've made in 1Password 6.3 as it is a huge update. Keep us informed of any changes.

    The tiny delay you've mentioned, do you recall if it is after unlocking or it was already unlocked and were there any changes that could've been made in other 1Password apps? There may be delays every once in a while because 1Password mini does get affected by an internal sync session. We have plans to separate the network/sync calls into their own thread, away from the main thread dealing with your 1Password data.

  • schummi
    Community Member

    Hello yo'all. Thank you very much for your support.

    I have installed the beta. It is versioned as 6.3.370 and I had to sign up for a thing called HockeyApp. I hope it was not a scam :-/

    I have been playing with it a little bit and boy it seems like the issue is fixed!!!! I will continue to test and run all possible scenarios and will report back here.

    MikeT, thank you for the explanation on how the app works together with the mini and the browser. It seems inelegant having to simulate a "fake" click and stuff but I am sure it is the only way to get around Windows' windows focus requirements. BTW I like Windows' windows focus behavior better than that of Mac OS.

    Again, thank you and very impressed with the support and attention this whole issue has received from Agile and the community.

  • MikeT
    edited February 2017

    Hi @schummi,

    HockeyApp surely isn't a scam, it is actually owned by Microsoft and we've mentioned HockeyApp in the instructions within 1Password 6. It would be nice if Microsoft could rename it to make it seem less 'scammy' and more of a Microsoft known brand.

    I'm really glad to hear it is much better in 1Password 6.3.370. Please do let us know if anything changes and if it continues to remain stable across your scenarios. We'll be shipping this as the next stable update later this month.

    On behalf of our team, you're welcome.

This discussion has been closed.