Grouped items when sorting


The Mac version has a nice UI when sorting by a particular criteria. When sorting by Vault, there's a grouping header for each vault, with its associated items beneath it. Same for sorting by date, and I'm sure other criteria.

Can this be added to the Windows version? I'm going through all my entries to remove duplicates right now. I find it difficult while sorting them by vault or date, to see a huge list of entries (which are almost exactly the same name), but no differentiation as to which ones are in different vaults or dates until I click them and the preview loads on the right side. The Mac version in a sense partitions the list by differences in that sort criteria, and it's a real big time saver.

I know you guys are busy, and you're doing a great job. Just wanted to get this feature request onto the pile. Thanks!

1Password Version: 6.5.401d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7 Pro
Sync Type: Account
Referrer: forum-search:group by sort


  • tralston
    Community Member

    Let me clarify my request a little. This grouping works already on Windows when not filtering in the search bar. I'm asking that it work when I'm filtering the list via the search bar.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tralston: First off, thanks for the kind words! Certainly we're busy, but that's a good thing, and we always love hearing from you! I can't promise that it will end up exactly the way 1Password for Mac does things now (that will change in time as well), but we definitely want to make 1Password mini more powerful and useful, and I think that would be a good place to start. Cheers! :)

  • tralston
    Community Member

    @brenty No problem.

    The issue I brought up here is actually happening in the full app itself, not the mini popup. And just so we're extra clear, the grouping feature =already= exists in 1Password for Windows (app, not mini), it's just not working when there's search criteria in the search bar. So I'd lean toward categorizing this more as a bug than a feature request now. Hopefully you all can get to it soon!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @tralston: Ah, thank you for straightening me out! For some reason I thought you were referring to 1Password mini — maybe because the app is more advanced in that area already. And you're totally right about the search criteria. While not technically a bug, it might as well be one, and it's something we're working to address. Thanks again! :)

  •'s just not working when there's search criteria in the search bar.

    @tralston thank you for that reminder! You are correct, when search is engaged grouping is turned off. It was done for stability reasons long time ago, we have bumped into some system level crashes because of grouping and search. However, it's been a lot of time since then, it would be great to revisit and check if these crash conditions are valid still. I can't promise when it will be fixed, but I'll keep an eye on it and fix as soon as we are sure it's not going to crash.

This discussion has been closed.