Installed 1Password 6 in Windows 10



I have just done a clean install of windows 10 in my PC that was running windows 7 and 1password 5.

I have a 1Password 5 Licence, before my 1password was syncing through dropbox on all my devices. How can I get 1Password 6 to sync with my dropbox vault and how do I use/enter my 1password 5 licence in 1password 6?


1Password Version: 6.5.401d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @tintin74,

    Thank you for contacting us and using 1Password!

    1Password 6 for Windows is focused on our 1Password accounts and does not support local vaults at the moment. If you want to use a local vault in 1Password, which is synced via Dropbox, you should download 1Password 4 for Windows, as this is the latest version of 1Password on Windows, which supports local vaults.

    Please let me know if it helps. I will be happy to answer any other questions, if you have them. :) Thanks!


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