"All Vaults" in 1Password for Windows


I am still using 1Password 4 for Windows, as 1Password 6 for Windows is for online subscription storage only (not yet supporting local mode as indicated by AgileBits, and its use of InternetExplorer for authentication on Windows is to me a major security vulnerability).

Online instructions indicate that "All Vaults" can be enabled in 1Password for Windows, but I can'd find the option. Where is it or how can I enable it?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: Win 7
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:All Vaults in 1password Windows


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @marcink,

    I am sorry for the confusion with our instructions! You did the right thing by contacting us.

    "All Vaults" feature is not implemented in 1Password 4, since it supports only one local vault at a time. Are there any reasons why you don't want to use 1Password account and migrate your data there? Please let us know, so we could improve. Thank you!


  • marcink
    Community Member

    Thanks Greg for the quick reply.

    To answer your question, as I understand 1Password account is a subscription and not a 1 time purchase. That's a full stop for me. I am fully willing to support the developers by paying for 1Password upgrades, but if and when I choose to do so.

    I did try, however, try the 1Password 6 for Windows client hoping it would solve my issue, and when I tried to have it synchronize with my vault stored on Dropbox, I was shocked to see a prompt from Microsoft Internet Explorer asking me if I want to save the password. I do not know if the 1Password 6 for Windows is just a shell over a browser (Internet Explorer), or it uses IE libraries for online communication. Here is what is important to me:

    1. I absolutely do not trust windows security, especially Internet Explorer. I use Windows at work only because I have to I use 1Password as I expect it to handle my confidential information independent of all the microsoft vulnerabilities. If 1Password entrusts my secure data to IE or IE libraries than that breaks my trust in 1Password, it is an absolute deal breaker.

    2. I do need to access my data offline. If 1Password 6 is just a shall over a browser than that's also a deal breaker.

  • @marcink 1Password 6 is not a wrapper over browser. It has to get authorization from Dropbox in order to issue calls to sync data. That authorization can be only obtained through browser, and on Windows 7-8 the integrated browser is IE. On Windows 10 it's mostly Edge, but I recall early versions has had IE as well. If you have concerns about that - you can use 1Password with regular folder on your drive and setup Dropbox app to sync that folder for you. As a matter of fact, on desktop computer you probably have either Dropbox or OneDrive doing folder sync already, so it's easier to use folder sync.

    Data is available offline with 1Password 6, even though it's primarily designed to work with online subscription service. You can add/edit items while being offline and it will be synced once network comes to life. My favorite two parts about subscription service - I don't really worry if my data is corrupted somehow, because i can always restore it to a previous state; and that data going out of local app is encrypted twice - at both storage level and transport level (and on top of that with HTTPS, but not everyone have trust in HTTPS). In fact, your decrypted secret data exists only in 1Password app memory, it's never written to disk or sent outside over network.

    You stated your preference already by not willing to go with subscription model and that means you will be more happier with 1Password 4. 1Password 6 can deal with folder vaults in read-only mode, while it offers full feature set with 1password.com service. Hope this helps :)

  • alexgorbatchev
    Community Member

    1Password 6 can deal with folder vaults in read-only mode, while it offers full feature set with 1password.com service.

    So if I'm understanding this correctly, 1password is now fully disabling local files support and going full on with the subscription service? This is probably where majority of users will be bailing, including myself. I have no problem paying for software, and I do own 2 licenses of 1password, but at no point I'm going to trust your network with my files. I guess it's only a matter of time before this will trickle down to Mac version and at that point majority of your corporate accounts will also bail because no sane startup in SV is going to feel ok about sending you all of their data either.

    I really hope you will reconsider this direction. In the mean time I'm going to continue suffering through v4 UI on Windows until I find a suitable replacement.

  • Hey @alexgorbatchev,

    Thank you for sending us your thoughts on the subscriptions.

    We can certainly understand if you have reservations about it but I would still encourage you to give it a close look. We've taken great care in keeping all the things you love about 1Password and it's data security model and making it stronger and more convenient at the same time.

    Your data is more heavily encrypted than before when stored in the cloud, protected by multi-factor end-to-end encryption, and a data transfer that doesn't just use TLS/SSL but another encryption layer on top of it that doesn't rely on the integrity of your computer's root certificates.

    You should have a look at our security information pages and the white paper that is linked at the very bottom, and get back to us if you have any further question.

    Cheers and have a great weekend,


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