How to revert to 1Password 4 from 1Password 6

Community Member
edited June 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I started a trial version of 1Password 6 but there are a number of things I don't like about it. I've used it for about two weeks and now want to revert back to my desktop version. I've exported logins from 1Password 6 that were modified during the past two weeks, downloaded the 1Password 5 desktop version and installed it, but when I went to import the information into 1Password 5 it didn't have the column/field separators that were required.

I might be willing to enter them by hand, but if I do, how do I get the correct Chrome Extension? I trashed it and then reloaded it, but it appears still to be pointing to 1Password 6. How do I get it to point back to my desktop version?

Thank you.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:trial version


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi there @jaimeson,

    Thank you for reaching out! I am sorry for the troubles with 1Password on Windows.

    Could you please let us know what you didn't like about 1Password 6? Is there anything we can do better? Your feedback is really important to us, so it would be great if you shared it with us.

    As for your questions:

    • Export from 1Password 6 is not perfect at the moment. I am sorry about the situation you are in. If you don't have many changes, I would recommend you to do it manually. If you do, please let us know and we will try to figure something out.
    • If you uninstall 1Password 6 from your computer, 1Password extension should connect to 1Password 4 automatically. Please give it a try.

    I will be looking forward to your reply. Thank you!


  • jaimeson
    Community Member

    Thank you for your reply. I think the extension did revert to 1Password 4. I did an uninstall of 1Password 6 through Windows but it said it didn't uninstall everything. And the Chrome extension still connected to 1Password 6. But I did a shut down of my PC and now upon restarting it, the extension is connecting to 1Password 4. So I guess I just needed to reboot.

    As for what I don't like:

    • Can't mark favorites easily
    • Can't flag new records to go into folders as in the 1Password 4 version
    • more that I can't remember right now
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jaimeson: Thanks for the feedback! Favorites are coming in an update, but we have no plans to bring "folders" to accounts. Tags are more flexible, but we'll be making them even more powerful and easier to manage in the future. If you think of anything else, we'd love to hear it. And we've got a lot of other improvements in beta already. If you're done with 1Password 6 though, I'd encourage you to uninstall it. That way it won't interfere with 1Password 4 connecting to the browser. It sounds like you already have your data in 1Password 4. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions!

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