Rich & Custom Icons - Windows 10


Hey all

Just updated my Win10 app - looks great!

Just wanted to clarify, should my icons be syncing across platform apps? I updated all my icons yesterday on my laptop (OS X) but they are not migrating across into the Win10 app. Anything I should do? I've tried restarting the app but no luck


1Password Version: 6.6.439
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: 1Password Account


  • mj70
    Community Member


    Same Problem:
    My (custom) icons on iOS, macOS and are the same / in sync.
    In the new Windows 10 app the icons are different (favicons from the websites?).

    The new app is amazing, but it would be great if I could use my custom icons there also.



    Sorry for my english, english is not my native language.

  • fboy
    Community Member
    edited June 2017

    minus the welcoming rich icons, Windows app is terrible. Mac version blows the doors off of this. Come on AgileBits, you've got a steady stream of that sweet subscription revenue, lets get Windows app on par with Mac version. Oh and whats with that horrid blue side pane?? :'(

  • Hi @mj70 & @tomday, custom icons are something we are looking to provide in an update soon. :+1: Rich Icons have recently been unleashed to our stable release and beta updates, custom icons are soon too. :)

    I'm very sorry to hear your disappointed in our Windows App, FB. We are always looking for ways to improve our apps on every platform. The Mac app has had a lot more development time in its existence than the Windows app which we've been getting lots of very positive feedback for. Aside from your preference for the darker sidebar, were there key areas which you feel you would like to feedback on? 1Password is built upon the awesome feedback from customers.

  • mj70
    Community Member

    Hi @Doodler_Benji on your question "Aside from your preference for the darker sidebar, were there key areas which you feel you would like to feedback on?" I would gladly answer.

    My 3 favorite wishes for the Windows app:
    1. Drag & Drop for tags + autocomplete for tags at input (as in the Mac app)
    2. For us as corporate clients in Germany: german language. Some colleagues can not use the program because they do not understand English.
    3. Advanced search as in the Mac app

  • Hey @mj70 - These are fantastic suggestions, a lot of requests we receive are for features in our Mac App. Please do rest assured that we are always intending and working towards bringing a consistent feature set and UI (unless something is platform specific) to OPW6.

    So as for your top 3 favourite wishes:

    1. That would be super nice wouldn't it, talk about a time saver! This is something I've been speaking with our developers about, no word as to when it will be, but certainly something we're looking forward to having.
    2. Yes and I am sorry for the app only being in English at this time. We (AgileBits) have a wide range of different language speakers, and a fantastic translations team who are eagerly waiting for us to translate OPW6.
    3. Your top 3 wishes, are rather close to mine! I have to say. Advanced search within 1Password 6 for Mac is a huge help when trying hunt down those elusive items. As you can appreciate, no word as to when this will be available in 1Password 6 for Windows but hopefully it will be sooner rather than later. :)

    Thank you again @mj70 - This really helps us. :) <3

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