buying 1password for windows?



Very happy 1password user here (macos, ios). I've got a windows computer I'd like to use 1password on. With a lot of difficulty I found out that the latest 1password 6 does not support local vaults. How can I buy 1password 4 for windows? I cannot find any link to that in your site.

I really do not want to have a subscription, so is definitely not for me.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @thenewrohirrim,

    Thank you for reaching out and using 1Password!

    1Password 4 is an old app, so we no longer sell licenses for it. Please shoot us a message to and we will see what we can do for you in this situation. :)

    In the meantime, you can check the benefits of having a account. Just in case it draws your attention.

    Thank you! :+1:


  • thenewrohirrim
    Community Member

    Hi @Greg,

    Thanks for getting back to me. After a significant investment in using 1password standalone for all my mac and ios devices (time well spent - I love the product!), I think that a subscription really does not work for me. The situation with windows illustrates this: I use 1password to log in to anything (and to a lesser extent to pay for stuff); this is a pretty fundamental activity. However it now seems that in order to do that on windows, I need to purchase a subscription. Think about it; a subscription to log in to websites. I have no issue with agilebits providing as a service for people that want it, and I'm sure you guys have a terrific service too. However I find the idea that after all these years I'll need to subscribe (i.e. pay money regularly) in order to just log in to websites a bit dangerous, and I know understand why there's been so much negative feedback around subscriptions in the forums (which I had to read in order to understand why I can't use 1password 6 for windows). Given that at least on the windows side there's a clear prioritisation (if not move) towards, I think i'll be very reluctant to recommend the product in the future, something I've done many times. I already subscribe to my internet provider, my mobile provider etc. and I do not want to subscribe to just to be able to access the internet. Thankfully the open source 1pass ( is back in development and is getting better every day.

    I do hope that you will not drop offline vaults and will support them again on windows asap. Thank you for the offer of a custom deal; I'll contact you, but the idea of a custom deal to log in using windows sounds pretty scary to me.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @thenewrohirrim: You may be more fortunate than I am in this regard, my but internet and phone providers are much less helpful when I have an issue, and much, much less dedicated to security, which is very much an ongoing process. I'm only here because, as a 1Password user, I saw not only the continuous care put into the software and its security, but also the support I received when I had a question. 1Password does a lot more than just "login to websites", and we'd be more than happy to help you get the most out of it. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions. Cheers! :)

  • thenewrohirrim
    Community Member

    hi @brenty

    thanks for getting back to me. I certainly appreciate all the effort you guys have put into 1password. As a software developer myself, I certainly know it's not easy. But please do bear in mind that the only reason why I ever needed support from 1password was because of the subscription model (i.e. how can I use my vault in windows) - it's a testament to the quality of your software the fact that I never needed to contact support before, but also a concern around how 1password for windows is no longer for sale & mandating the subscription model for the windows version actually complicating things.

    Certainly 1password does a lot more than just "login to websites", again, as I dev, I get that, but from the point of view of the user, i think it's fair to say that this is what it mostly does (and that's a great thing - not a criticism).


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @thenewrohirrim: Wow. Thank you for the kind words, in all respects. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think that in this case we do need to focus on things that may not matter to you at all, perhaps at your expense, in a sense. :(

    You're absolutely right though. 1Password should just work and no one should have to think about this or contact us, either for technical support or because we've come up with something new and introduced confusion. As much effort as we put into designing, developing, and documenting 1Password, you're admittedly rather exceptional and I don't think we can count on everyone having that smooth a ride. I guess this is the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" sort of thing: we need to focus our efforts on the things that will help the most people. And while that does necessarily mean putting some people's needs below others when it comes to improving the overall experience, I can't tell you how sorry I am that in this case we actually introduced an obstacle for you which did not before exist.

    I know you're not alone in that, as we do occasionally hear from others things like "I've used 1Password for n years and never had to contact your until now", but we're not to the point where 1Password is good enough that we can just leave well enough alone. As you know yourself, things are always changing in the technology space, and especially with regard to security we cannot stay still. And while you'd be right to point out that we haven't needed to do these things in direct response to shifts in the security landscape, I hope you can appreciate that making 1Password more seamless and accessible can help more people secure their digital lives, folks who would have never been comfortable using a password manager before.

    We're not there yet, not by a long shot, but it's something we're working toward. You may not have seen this truck coming until it was almost on top of you. I apologize for that. We'd very much like to have you along for the ride, though, and if you have loved ones in your life that could benefit from 1Password but weren't comfortable using it in the past, maybe they will be able to now or in the future. There are definitely plenty of alternatives out there, but security that's convenient and easy to use is hard to come by. That's why we do what we do. And while we haven't achieved that fully, it's something we'll continue to strive for. I'd love for you to continue to be a part of that, and I'd love to see if there's something I can do to help. If that's something you'd like to pursue, drop me a line at with a link to this discussion. :blush:

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