Why I can't edit stuff in dropbox? [1Password 6 does not support local vaults]

Community Member
edited June 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I try to edit with 1PW 6.x (for Windows) some other 1PW content that is physical at Dropbox over this Windows app. But the button is disable. Over iOS (Apple) it is working fine but on the PC it don't work. With 1PW 4.x is works fine. It that planned for version 6?

1Password Version: 6.6.439
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @firebird,

    Thank you for contacting us! :+1:

    I am sorry for the confusion with the local vaults in 1Password 6 for Windows. 1Password 6 is focused on our subscription-based 1Password.com accounts and does not support local vaults. The manual syncing for vaults in Dropbox in the previous versions of 1Password 6 was added specifically for migrating your local vaults into 1Password.com account without having to install the Dropbox client first. We've gotten rid of this in the latest version because people thought this meant local vaults were supported but it wasn't.

    If you are going to use a local vault, you should stick with 1Password 4 for Windows. 1Password 4 remains the only officially supported version for local vaults and we will maintain that support. Moreover, we've just shipped a beta update to 1Password 4 to add Native Messaging support for the upcoming 1Password extension update for Firefox. Please check it out.

    I hope it helps and answers your question. If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. Thank you!


  • firebird
    Community Member

    Thank you Greg. So local vault only with 1PW 4 and 1PW 6 with 1PW.com. I guess a lot of users don´t like this. It would be nice if I have a 1PW.com I can also work together with local vaults.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yeah, I agree. There are a lot of things we'd like to be able to do with 1Password 6, but we have to prioritize working on things that will offer the most benefit. We already have a Windows app with full support for local vaults, so creating another to serve the same function is not a priority when we have plenty of other things we need to finish. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you.

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